Thứ Sáu, 15 tháng 10, 2010

Larwyn's Linx: Is California Insane?

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Is California Insane?: Simon
Democrats Lure Voters to Polls With Free Food and Rides: GWP
From Bread & Circuses to Food Stamps & Pot: RWN

We've Got a Bleeder! Doddering Reid wilts in debate with Angle: Malkin
Sean Bielat To Barney Frank, Let Your Ethics Papers Go!: Riehl
Democrats Disenfranchise the Military Vote: AT

Judge gives green light to Obamacare lawsuits: Malkin
Perfect: Coons Lied Repeatedly In Debate With O'Donnell: Riehl
Susan Montee Lit Up Like A Lightbulb At Democrat Days: BIN


Greed is Good: Cold Fury
Government Regulation: the Silent Economic Killer: PJM
Benishek Responds to Obama on 'Shovel Ready Projects': RWN

GOP plans January takedowns of Obama’s ‘czars’: DC
America's Food Stamp Culture: AT
Jerry Brown: 'We Need More Welfare and Fewer Jobs': GWP

Climate & Energy

Science vs. Scientific Consensus On Global Warming: RWN
Latest in Enviro-Nut High Fashion: Glacier Hugging Suits: Malkin
Polar Bears and Plastic Bags: RWN


Media Admission: Tea Party Not Racist: Verum Serum
Jon Ralston Finally Comes Out for Harry Reid: LegalIns
Anatomy of Petulance: Hanson

Two Democratic Ads Show You Just How Bad It Has Gotten For The Democrats Out There: RWN
Hypocrite Joy Behar Defends Islam But Has a Long History of Bashing Christians: GWP
Michael Moore: “The Next Time We Have A Hole In The Gulf… We Need To Call In The Chilean Government”: Mediate

Of Course NPR Didn't Have To Warn Its Staff About Attending Beck's Rally: LegalIns
O’Donnell, Coons Debate Highlights Policy Differences: NRO
Cali's NOW President: 'Whitman Could Be Described As A Political Whore': TPMDC


'The Aim Is to Make Israel a Pariah': Rupert Murdoch
Islamic Relativity Theory: Doswell
Harry Reid On His 'Good Friend' General Petraeus: Calls Him A Liar: Riehl

How To Kill Americans: A Guide to the Really Effective Ways: BRubin
Sharia-Sanctioned Marital Rape in Britain -- And North America: AT
In Global Hunt for Hit Men, Tantalizing Trail Goes Cold : WSJ


Pen-and-Paper SQL Injection Attack Against Swedish Election: Schneier
Google posts strong Q3 financial results: CNet
State's largest Insurer warns that health premiums may triple: NWCN


Rescued miner says he saw God, devil during captivity, "I buried 40 years of my life down there...": BlogProf
Another Careless Cyclist Causes Crash: C&S
The Declaration of Intolerance: R&R

Image: Unknown.
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Harry Reid Needs to Go: Support Sharron Angle

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