Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 10, 2010

15 Most Bizarre Photos From Jon Stewart's Rally You'll Never See in Legacy Media #fearofsanity #rallyforsanity #rallyfortyranny

...for reasons that will soon become obvious.



MSNBC used this delightful photo in its story. It features Beck, Palin, Limbaugh, Boehner and Cantor as Hitler. Media outcry in 3... 2... never.

* * * * * * * * *

The full spectrum of leftists were out in force this afternoon. [Update: the use of NAMBLA as a comedic vehicle on The Daily Show was pointed out by a commenter. Hilarious.]

Ever get the feeling that the left will still be blaming Bush for the Great Dilythium Crystal Shortage of 2050?

I have no idea what the sign on the left means, but I'm sure socialists understand it.

Wild guess: this person votes Democrat.

Mmm hmm. That is a problem I often hear expressed: the media is too damn conservative.

I asked whether any of these patriots voluntarily paid taxes at the pre-Bush tax cut level and they told me to shut up.

Nothing says "Rally for Sanity" like the umbrella parachute helmet.

Perfect timing while PETN bombs are shipped to American synagogues and the Iranian clerics gleefully ready their nukes to hasten the return of the Twelfth Imam.


Actually, it was going okay until Nancy Pelosi took the reins of the budget and spent us into oblivion.

Oh, yes he does.

"I can see Crazy from my house."

Indeed I can.

I truly fear what a handwriting analysis of this sign would tell us.

A perfect way to close: this flag is made up of destroyed American flags.

But don't you dare question their patriotism.

Linked by: Michelle Malkin, Dan Riehl, Jammie Wearing Fool, Right Wing News, NewsReal and Blogs for Victory. Thanks!

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