Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 10, 2010

Democrat 'Bacon-Strips in the Boxers' Watch: Stunning Internal Polls in DE and CT Senate Races Prompt Last-Minute Obama Visits

The trend is not the Democrats' friend.

A couple of days ago, a credible source reported that Chris Coons' internal polling showed a narrow lead for Christine O'Donnell in the hotly contested Delaware Senate race.

Today word broke that President Obama will head back to Delaware in yet another attempt to shore up support for "The Bearded Marxist". The visit Monday will mark the tenth trip for either Obama or Veep Joe "Plugs" Biden in recent months.

What's prompting the last-minute panic?

Gawker's hit piece apparently had the opposite effect of what its instigators had hoped. It generated sympathy for the GOP candidate as the most outrageous of a long series of ridiculous attacks.

And it simply catalyzed the long-simmering rage from the train of abuses heaped upon the people by the Obama-Pelosi-Reid Democrats.

The DNC is picking up the trend that people registered as Democrats are indeed early voting — NATIONALLY — but they are not voting Democrat. They are voting Republican, the way that I did here in Chicago today... if I had to guess they are using focus groups and then extrapolating those nationally to see a trend that horrifies them. They see people in Democrat strongholds like Chicago saying “F-U” to the party and voting Republican. Maybe they are doing exit polling at early vote centers and finding they are being screamed at by lifelong Democrats.

...My friend the fundraiser says they’ve worked out some kind of plug-and-chug mathematical box with what they are seeing in early voting states…when the current Delaware polling and focus group work is considered IN LIGHT OF THIS DOCUMENTED TREND, the DNC is horrified to see that Delaware is trending like the rest of the country…where registered Democrats who are going to vote intend to vote AGAINST the party…straight ticket, top to bottom, AGAINST Democrats.

Delaware might not be early voting... but from whatever the Democrats are seeing internally, if Delaware WAS early voting then Delaware’s numbers would be lining up with every other state.

That means Democrats aren’t safe ANYWHERE and there is nothing anyone can do to change that.

As if to reinforce that message, internal polling apparently shows Linda McMahon surging in the race for Connecticut's Senate seat.

The most curious of [Obama's last] stops is in Connecticut, where the Democratic Senate candidate, Richard Blumenthal, has a comfortable lead over Republican Linda McMahon. Even though the seat appears to be in hand, White House officials view keeping Connecticut as critical to holding on to the Senate.

If you've got a couple of bucks to spare, drop 'em on Christine O'Donnell or Linda McMahon.

Obama's last-minute visits to DE and CT means things are trending very badly for the Democrats. Let's help turn these races into shocking routs.

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