Robert Stacy McCain offers some details on the mystery lady, who earlier had publicly tweeted that Weiner is her boyfriend:
Gennette Nicole Cordova is a student at Whatcom Community College, Bellingham, Wash., where she is a reporter for the student newspaper, Horizon... It must be emphasized that at this point we have no idea whether Ms. Cordova actually knows Rep. Weiner, whether her Twitter claim of him being her “boyfriend” was just a joke, or whether Rep. Weiner actually communicated with Ms. Cordova.Let’s hope Rep. Weiner will clarify this confusion, before the media scrum descends on Ms. Cordova... The congressman’s office can either answer those questions — and answer them PDQ — or else wait until every political reporter on the West Coast is camped out in front of Ms. Cordova’s house.
If Ms. Cordova's assertion -- that she is dating Anthony Weiner (D-NY) -- is accurate, a couple of things are clear:
• Weiner's a freaking degenerate - forget just cheating on his wife, how about cheating on his wife with someone young enough to be his daughter?
• Weiner's a technological dunce - using Twitter to send randy photos (DM instead of @, oops!)
Ironic Surrealism has done much of the heavy lifting on the story, revealing several heretofore unknown digital assets.

Oh, yeah, you're right. I forgot about Ted Kennedy. In that case, Weiner's career may just be getting started. In fact, someday he'll probably be a "lion of the Senate", too.
Update: Lee Stranahan:
As I write this, the tweet is still up at, around the same time he was tweeting about hockey, he sends the underwear photos to that woman at @GennetteNicole. Don’t bother looking there, though. Rep. Weiner’s photos are all erased. And Gennette seems to have deleted her entire Twitter account. And, it seems, her Facebook account.
Look what RepWeiner tweeted earlier in the evening. I don’t know what it means, but look..why is he talking about Seattle?Well, Gennette seems to live in Seattle. Could be a weird coincidence. Or about 5 of them.
Update II: Commenter yarrrr observes that @GennetteNicole retweeted Weiner's Seattle/Maddow message:

Update III: Ace, acting as a caustic agent:
I continue assuming, as Weiner says, that his Twitter account and his separate-company yfrog picture account were simultaneously hacked, and then someone sent this stuff to a college student in Seattle, and also, for reasons I don't get, he previously posted a helpful "that's about 5:45 in Seattle" tweet when discussing an upcoming appearance on Maddow.
I also assume that, after immediately wrestling control of these accounts from the mischievous malefactors, he deleted the offensive material, rather than preserving the evidence for the police...
...So for right now, I'm just assuming that Anthony Weiner is every bit as honest in his personal life as he is in his professional life, every bit as straight and true in his personal dealings as in his political posturings.
Every. Single. Bit.
Let me give the Magic 8-Ball of Plausibility a shake:
Update IV: The Complete #Weinergate Timeline.
Linked by: Ace o' Spades, Gateway Pundit and Memeorandum. Thanks!
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