
The Lessons of NY-26: LegalIns
Preview of Sarah Palin’s new movie: TRS
Obama: We’re working on gun control “under the radar”: Hot Air
Barone: GOP Must Go on Offensive in MediScare Campaign: Ace
White House Propaganda Czar Married to 'Betray-Us' Crank: GWP
White House bans newspaper for printing Romney op-ed: RWN
Clinton admits Dems playing politics with Medicare: GWP
Loughner ruled incompetent to stand trial: GWP
Porkulus: Cash for Tax Cheats: MalkinJailbreak: Mac Donald
How Prison Unions Helped Create Overcrowding Problem in CA: AllAm
Ryan Video Counters Dem Lies About Medicare: GWP
ObamaCare: Survival of the Well-connected?: NewAm
Obama budget: 0-for-97: WZ
You Will Respect My Authoritah!: NoisyRoom
Court Orders U. Va. to Release Michael Mann Documents: ATI
Chrysler parties after paying off borrowed money with borrowed money: BlogProf
Climate & Energy
57% Of Americans Think Electric Cars Suck: RWNOh noes! The abalone must be saved so we can eat it!: WUWT
Socialism in action: Oil-Rich Venezuela Suffers From Energy Crisis: RWN
AP Factchecks Netanyahu--I Return The Favor: Daled AmosMore misogyny at MSNBC: Neanderthal host attacks Laura Ingraham as a “slut”: Malkin
Don Surber Strikes Again: American Digest
Bursting liberal assumptions about the peace process: Elder of Ziyon
Mainstream Media Marvel Over Michelle: NB
The Best Quotes From Laura Ingraham’s “The Obama Diaries.”: RWN
The Republic is saved: Obama says he’ll only serve for eight years: IHTM
MSNBC Cruelly Suspends Mentally-Challenged Man With Few Job Prospects: Ace
Joe Klein: The result in NY-26 was a “victory for socialism”: HotAir
Obamacare for Israel: McCarthyFormer Attorney General Mukasey: Prosecuting CIA Agents ‘Unconscionable’: Foundry
Vacationer-in-Chief Plans Trip to Resort Island of Bali: WZ
DNC Head Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Demands That Republicans Not Make an Issue of Israel In 2012: Ace
British Press Pans Obama’s Empty TelePrompter Speech to Parliament: GWP
The Joys of Socialized Healthcare: UK Doctors Prescribing Water to Keep Elderly Patients From Dying of Thirst: WZ
YouTube Turns 6 Years Old, Daily Views Shoot Up To 3 Billion (Yes, 3 Billion. Daily.): TechCrunchYahoo Paid $20M for a 12-Week-Old Company: A Brilliant Move: FoxBiz
WebP, Google's answer to JPEG, gets better quality: CNet
Dogs Make Employees More Productive At Work: InsiderNew report and map chronicles the visceral reality of 47,000 preventable pedestrian deaths: T4America
Allen West is asking for your help now!: We the People
Image: Ace o' Spades Open Thread
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: - Your Real-Time Conservative News Fix
QOTD: " is the situation in California. Tens of thousands of prisoners are scheduled by a U.S. Supreme Court order to be released. But why this inability to house our criminals when we pay among the highest sales, income, and gas taxes in the nation? Too many criminals? Too few new prisons? Too high costs per prisoner? Too many non-violent crimes that warrant incarceration? God help us when they are released. We know what crime is like now; what will it be like if thousands are let go? I doubt they will end up in the yards of the justices who let them out." --Victor Davis Hanson, 'Where Dreams Die'
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