
Obama secures the vote of undocumented Democrats: HE
Americans Have Hit The Ceiling Over Debt: IBD
What Happened on AA Flight 1561: CNS (Malkin)
Should the White House be Used for DNC Meetings?: BigGovt
Ryan Mulling 2012 Senate Run: WklyStd
Indiana Supremes: All Your Home Are Belong To Us: Ace
Gov. Quinn to Release Hardcore Criminals Amongst Us: RWN
Ryan: Yep, I'm thinking about running for Kohl's seat: HotAir
Trustees Show Permanent Deficits for Social Security: FoundryRand Paul Is Right!: RWN
GM Will Spend $109MM To Preserve 96 Michigan Jobs: ZH
Making Health Insurance More Accessible: Foundry
Social Security 'Trust Fund' To Add $5T To Debt: IBD
The One Trillion Dollar Misunderstanding: AEI
Climate & Energy
NASA Gets Caught Faking Climate Change Data-AGAIN!: BigGovtThe Administration's Big Oil Lie: IBD
Much Ado About Gas Prices: PJM
Walter Russell Mead: Our Elites Are Fixated On How Disappointed They Are With The Tawdry Public: AceJedediah Bila: Why Palin Scares Them: C4P
Gingrich Campaign Spin on Global Warming PSA with Nancy Pelosi: It Wasn’t a Love-Fest, it Was a Debate: Malkin
Hamas Riding a ‘New Wind’ from Egypt: PJMExclusive: Pornography found in bin Laden hideout: officials: Reuters
The real housewives of Abbottabad: Tatler
Muslim Brotherhood Leader to Run for President of Egypt: Atlas
Lone Wolf Muslim Jihadi Who Rushed Cockpit on SF Flight Now Claims….He’s Crazy: RWN
The Peace Corps at 50: What’s a Little Rape, Murder, and Brutalization of Women Between Friends?: RS
The Ballmer Days Are Over: Brooks ReviewDropbox Lied to Users About Data Security, Complaint to FTC Alleges: Wired
Google Introduces New Computer-Like Object, Where Everything Happens On the Web: Ace
Gallery of Gadgets Which Inspired Modern Day Tech: WiredBut Glenn Beck Is The Crazy One: SDA
Settlement In Donald Duck Groping Lawsuit: Woman alleged Donald fondled her at Epcot: TSG
Image: a11news (Senator John Ensign and staffer Cynthia 'Cindy' Hampton).
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: TrendingRight: news in real-time
QOTD: "If only al-Murisi had been screaming phrases from the Constitution. The Selective Motive Determination Machine -- the same one that rushed to pin the Tucson massacre on the Tea Party, the GOP and Fox News without a shred of evidence -- would have kicked in to full gear...
So how, despite a massive transportation and homeland security apparatus, did al-Murisi get into this country and get on a plane? He had no keys, no luggage, $47 cash, two curious posted checks totaling $13,000, and a trove of expired and current state IDs from New York and California..." --Michelle Malkin
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