
Obama's borders Caused 60 Years of War: AT (Lewis)
Obama Parties Like It's 1967: AmSpec
Texas border security situation is not a joking matter: Abbott
Teleconference with Jeff Sessions: RWN
Mitch Daniels Does Not Support Individual Mandate... Anymore: Ace
Obama to Israel: Turn over tomb of Jesus to Hamas: GWP
'The President of the United States is Asking for Ethnic Cleansing': CNS
Palin on 2012: ‘I do have the fire in my belly’: DC
The union label stifles growth and jobs: WashExamMillion Dollars in Bonuses Headed to AWOL WI Teachers?: BigGovt
Housing expert: home prices could drop a further 30%: Yahoo
Obama's Plan for Medicare Will Destroy It Within 10 Years: Ace
Mania is Back: LinkedIn IPO Soars as Much as 173% in One Day: Mish
Family Facing $4 Million in Fines for Selling Bunnies: BMW
Obama Voters Struggle To Find Jobs: PoliPundit
Government Employees Overpaid by $468 Billion Each Year: ATR
Bernanke's Economic Time Bomb: AT
Climate & Energy
EPA Sends Your Tax Dollars to Anti-Freedom Enviro-Kooks: FoundryChildren’s Book Publisher Collapses to Radical Environmentalist Pressure: RWN
Truly surprising science discovery – free floating planets: WUWT
Is Colbert Smart Enough to Know He Just Proved That Citizens United Was Correctly Decided?: PattericoThe Credibility Canard: PJM
Read The Urban Dictionary’s Anti-Semitic Definition Of Anti-Semite: Glob
Progressive Blue Texan's Instaputz Slurs Israel 'Über Alles': AmPower
Next on Liberal Agenda: Taking Voting Rights From Seniors: MB
The Right Way to Get Raped (A Guest Post for the Ladies by Ben Stein): RWN
Democrat Rep. Jan Schakowsky Calls Andrew Breitbart A ‘Sleaze Bag’-Wants To Ban Critical Media: BigGovt
George Soros Is Spending Fortune to Drive News Media Further Left: RWN
Media Whitewashes Islamic Attacks on Egyptian Christians: NewAm
Hold That Tiger: Belmont ClubLimbaugh reaction to president’s speech: Obama urging Israel to destroy itself: DC
What Should Netanyahu Say?: AT
Disturbing Questions about President Obama's Vision for Israel: AT
President Obama’s Speech to the State Department Means New Dangers for Israel: PJM
Conquering America: NoisyRoom
The Great Woo Of China: IBD
In Case Anyone Cares, Obama Is Fighting What Is Actually, Demonstrably an "Illegal War": Ace
One can only conclude that Obama is genuinely, as a matter of philosophical conviction, anti-Israel: Power Line
Amazon now sells more Kindle e-books than print books: LATAmazon wants to buy your used gadgets: CNet
How Apple's stores turned into a retail juggernaut: CNet
Finding Marizela: The maddening quest for a missing young person’s online/text info: Malkin"Justice"? I Spit on Your "Justice": IowaHawk
Facebook Pic Of The Day: Why’d Arnold Trade Steak For Hot Dogs?: RWN
Image: Weasel Zippers
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: - real-time conservative news
QOTD: "What country in its right mind make a deal with such an enemy? Would we go back to our 1848 borders? Would we give the French areas of the Louisiana Purchase? Would we do this? What kind of president urges a country to destroy itself and submit its people to potential genocide? And that’s what Obama has just done." --Rush Limbaugh on President Obama's call for Israel to return to the 1967 borders
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