
Charges to be re-filed against KSM and Company: Malkin
Land of the Lawless: Hanson
Memorial Day 2011: What American Troops Are Made Of: RWN
Will Obama Sink the Democrats?: AT (Lewis)
Top Obama health aide cashes out after health 'reform': WashExam
Weinergate: What we know (Update: Weiner hires a lawyer): TatlerHelp Me Bring the Weiner Hacker to Justice: IowaHawk
WeinerGate: We Are Simply Reporting the Facts: BG
Weiner Investigation Would Benefit All Parties Involved: Commentary
The WeinerGate Plot Thickens: Weiner Lawyers Up!: Ironic
Weiner hires attorney related to lewd Twitter photo 'prank': NYDN
NOTHING Can Stop State and Local Spending: RefBrokerCA Braces for Coming Tidal Wave of Released Felons: PJM
Locking Unions Out in Louisiana: HayRide
Like Obama, GOP plans pivot to jobs, economy: York
Michigan: turning schools into prisons: BlogProf
Crushing Harvard's Mighty Endowment Fund?: ZH
Climate & Energy
“May snow depths are deeper than anything we have seen in the last 45 years”: WUWTWashPost: Freedom of Information Act not for climate skeptics’ use: JunkScience
Germany Announces Plans To Lead The Way Back To Third World Squalor: RWN
Howard Kurtz: Weinergate ‘Appears to Be Faked’: BigJournDan Collins, on Weinergate: 'Strangely enough, most women bloggers don’t... want to touch this thing': Attila
Nastygram of the day, NYSE edition: Reuters
On Memorial Day Obama Honors Fallen Troops For an Hour... Then It's Off to Golf for Four: GWP
This will be a very significant episode of Morning Joe This morning: DTG
Are Obama's Academic Defenders Vulnerable?: AT (Cashill)
Europe Becomes Obama’s Re-Election Campaign ‘Prop’: PJMIran: Ahmadinejad’s Spiritual Adviser Urges Muslims to Kill Israeli Children: WZ
Post-Mubarak: Over 400 al-Qaida terrorists now in Sinai: Atlas
Where They Really Need a Freedom Flotilla — Try Syria: Rosett
The World Would Be Better Off If Greece Were Allowed To Crash And Burn: RWN
CIA Warns Of A Greek Military Coup, Rebellion, If Austerity Intensifies: ZH
The Nazis Find a Home in Post-Mubarak Egypt: AT
Can the DoD Trust Brazil with American National Security?: PJM
Anti-Christian Violence Continues in Pakistan: CNS
Cyber Combat: Act of War: WSJGoogle Earth Shot (Language Warning): RCC
2012 Mercedes SLS AMG Roadster is a topless beauty: AutoBlog
Hangover Part 2 Review -- Three Stars: AceSunday Funnies: Flopping Aces
German Art Forgery Scandal Reaches Hollywood: Spiegel
Image: The People's Cube
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: End the Regulatory 'Train Wreck' at the Obama EPA!
QOTD: "Um, bluff called, dude. As Derek Hunter said:
- Victims call cops.
- Perps call lawyers.
- So, thanks for the confirmation, feller.
As a funny Tweeter said (sorry, can't remember who), calling the police would only result in the classic horror movie reveal: We've traced the hack! And the hack is coming from... INSIDE THE HOUSE!!!" --Ace o' Spades
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