
Bye-Bye Brown: LegalIns
Medicare and Free Market Principles: AmSpec
On the Scene in Joplin: PJM
Beltway Newt: No, really, I’m you!: Malkin
Our Interview with Tim Pawlenty: Rush
Eric Cantor Gives AIPAC Delegates a Lesson: PJM
MI swears in pro-terror U.S. attorney: Creeping
Kucinich Runs for His (Political) Life: WklyStd
Chief Medicare Actuary: Obamacare Will Hurt Seniors: LidAmerican Government Must Be Torn Down and Rebuilt: RWN
Obama’s economic advisers not bullish on America: HotAir
Labor Dept. hit with FOIA request over cost of iPhone app: DC
Cash Strapped States Cut Back, Socialists Lose Big: RWN
Ex-NAACP President blasts Sharpton, liberals: 'welfare pimp': BlogProf
Climate & Energy
The Case For Repealing Ethanol Subsidies: AceThe Christian Al Gore: Taranto
Photos: Tornado Rips Through Joplin, Missouri: DenvPost
On the Money, Down the Drain: Cold Fury
An Inconvenient Truth, five years on: Bayonet
Drilling in the Eagle Ford shale sparks S. Texas job boom: Chron
DOJ, DHS Film Instructs Law Enforcement to Obey Sharia Gender Discrimination: CounterCould Herman Cain Be the Next President Ronald Reagan?: Fox
Andrew Sullivan's Revelation: Lane
"At the wrong place at the wrong time in his own home": Cold Fury
The Strange and Contradictory Perceptions of the Obama Speech on Israel: PJM
" one who ever dated him ever showed up...": C&S
Suffolk University Poll: Fox Most Trusted Political News Source: HyScience
Herman Cain admits he didn’t understand ‘Right of Return’: TRS
Progressive Parents Raise Genderless Baby: RWN
Three Cheers for Terroristine : KnishThe Auschwitz Lines: 1967 is 1948: Friedman
Obama Adminstration Holds Peace Talks With Taliban in Germany: GWP
Cynthia McKinney: Islamofascist tool: Malkin
Ahmadinejad’s Team Expects Arrival of 12th Imam … on June 5: PJM
Perfect. Ahmadinejad Lectures Auditorium of Black Cloaks About Western Abuse of Women: GWP
Barack Obama’s Disregard for Ally’s Security Begs Clarity: Palin
Two New Videos from Syria (Content Warning): PJM
Two patients die after waiting in ambulance outside 'full' British hospital: Menmedia UK
What Would Jabotinsky Do?: Friedman
Saudis set June 17 for women to flout laws by driving: Chron
The Clang Heard 'Round the World: No Sheeples
Congress looks into FCC commissioner's move to Comcast: CNetGoogle Advisor: Will New Tool Save You Money?: BNet
Foxconn: No delays in iPad supply after explosion: CNet
Harris/Playboy Sex Survey (Includes Ideological Breakdowns): AceFederal Reserve Posters (1920′s): BigPic
Terrifying first person video of Joplin, Mo. tornado: CBS
The government’s guide to becoming a tasty treat for a zombie: DPU
Michelle Obama Windswept In Ireland: SHN
Mark Levin: My buddy Pepsi: TRS
Image: via Wanda.
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: How to Help Out Joplin's Tornado Victims
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