
Marco Rubio, "a man in a field of mice": sisu
A Storm Chaser's First-Hand Account of the Joplin Tornado: Atlantic
Some People Will Believe Anything: Cobb
Pawlenty knocks out Obama in one tweet: Tatler
Obama boasts he's secretly destroying Second Amendment: RWN
Governor Palin Will Go On a “One Nation” Bus Tour: C4P
The rhetorical clarity of moral clarity: Bookworm
Jon Huntsman's Common Sense Campaign for America: Morgenr
The world will not end on August 2nd: FWNew Jersey courts not interested in Democracy: RWN
Good News / Bad News for Debbie Wasserman Schultz!: RS
Out of Business: Atlas
It's the MediScare, stupid: Riehl
$500MM Obamacare Program to Help Kindergartners 'Sit Still': CNS
The Obama Administration’s ‘Sidam Touch’: Blumer
Obama Regime Threatens to Cut Off Texas Air Traffic: RWN
Former ECB Chief Economist Says "Greece is Insolvent": Mish
Climate & Energy
Genius: U.S. Transportation Secretary rolls up in 7MPG SUV to unveil new fuel economy stickers: BlogProfKnow What “Climate Scientists” Hate? Having To Show Their Work: RWN
Morbidly Obese Film Director: Since Obama Controls Car Companies, He Should Make Them Build Trains: BlogProf
MSN Money Finds 10 Reasons 'You Should Love $5 Gas': NBSarah Palin for President: Greenroom
Fleebagging TV: Democrat Walks Off TV Show: RWN
NPR ombud: Yeah, that Soros money might be a credibility problem: Hot Air
Keith Olbermann Hint from Morning Joe: Wayne Barrett
Hey, who’s up for banning Hot Air? : Hot Air
Rush: Obama scared of real conservative like Palin: TRS
How to argue entitlement policy, Democrat-style: Hot Air
Know Why Obama’s Having Problems? Raaaaacism!: RWN
Brain Bran: It clears out sclerotic synapses: Primordial SlackThe Dreamer Goes Down For The Count: Walter Russell Mead
Israel as Middle Eastern hegemon: Spengler
Disposable Lives: Pundette
Arab Spring… Egypt Now Has a Nazi Party: GWP
Poll: 12% of Israeli Jews consider Obama to be pro-Israel: JPost
U.S. Congressman Says The Obama Administration Materially Supporting Terrorists: BigPeace
Pro-Palestinian-in-Chief: Kurtz
Nasrallah (Hezbollah Leader) Proudly Endorses The Murderous Assad (Syria): Jawa
Startup Wants To Be The First Facebook Competitor, Has Big Money Behind It: InsiderHow secure is your wallet in Google's hands? (FAQ): CNet
Field Cam Makes iPad Camera Easier to Use: Wired
Anguish: WizbangGetting Our Doobie Face On: MOTUS
So You Have a College Diploma: IowaHawk
Image: How to argue entitlement policy, Democrat style
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: - Your Real-Time Conservative News Fix
QOTD: "The only remaining question is whether [Obama's] perverse and ultimately self-defeating policy is born of genuine antipathy toward Israel or of the arrogance of a blundering amateur who refuses to see that he is undermining not just peace but the very possibility of negotiations." --Charles Krauthammer
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