Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 5, 2013

OH, MY: Former New York Times General Counsel and Vice Chairman Eviscerates Obama Administration and Holder DOJ

This is mostly a blatant ripoff of a post at Ace o' Spades (and I used italics to class up the joint, plus I feel bad about the blatant ripoff). In a nutshell, the The New York Times' legendary legal expert and "the father of reporters' privilege" -- James Goodale -- just crushed the ongoing Obama-Holder free speech debacle.

RT: You’ve been called the father of reporters’ privileges. What do you see as the current threats to press freedom in the United States?
JG: It, frankly, is President Obama and Rosengate because this is the first time the – I hate to use the term ‘Espionage Act,’ we’ll say national security act for your viewers – has been used to get reporters.

I mean, that really is frightening because it’s usually used to get leakers. Rosen is a leakee, to use legal phraseology. If the Obama administration, or at least his Justice Department, thinks they can use criminal laws to get journalists because they’re co-conspirators, honestly that is one of the worst things I’ve come across in all the years I’ve been doing this.

Read the following sentence with your best John McClane imitation.

Welcome to the party, pal.

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