Thứ Bảy, 25 tháng 5, 2013

Larwyn's Linx: Eric Holder Lied Under Oath In Front Of Congress

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Eric Holder Lied Under Oath In Front Of Congress: RWN
U.S. Military: We Could Have Saved Ambassador Stevens: AT
Team Obama’s dirty war against conservatives: LI

Obama Asks Holder To Investigate Holder--What Could Go Wrong?: Nice Deb
Jarrett Unscathed? Obama's puppet master behind the scandals?: Bookworm
They hate First and Second Amendments, but will take the Fifth: AmSpec

Confirmed: Lois Lerner participated in persecution of Tea Party groups: Events
Conservative Groups, Donors Targeted in 2008: ‘Put Them at Risk’: Tatler
Obama Thugs Began Targeting Conservative Groups in 2008: JWF


Unions shriek and whine about health care law they fought to pass: WZ
The World's Greatest Gun Salesman: Owens
Cruz calls out McCain on Phony Debt Ceiling Vote: Scoop

Scandal Central

La Raza Partners With Feds To Hire Government Employees: WZ
Cindy Thomas Should be the Next Contestant on ‘I Got a Subpoena!’: Tatler
Bombshell: Holder Lied to Congress Under Oath: PJM

Climate & Energy

President Scandal: ‘Call these deniers out. Hold them accountable.’: JWF
Obama’s Tesla Sports Car Still Sends America’s Children to Bed Hungry and Stupid: Tatler
The H Street Project: Anatomy of a liberal shakedown: WFB


The Inoperative Jay Carney: AmSpec
Dershowitz: Lerner waived right against self-incrimination; should be required to answer questions: Hot Air
Dear Senator McCain: PW (Language Warning)

As Stockholm Riots Move Into Fifth Day, Press Aversion to the M-Word Is Nearly Unanimous: NB
Finally: Britain Cracks Down On Those Exploiting the System to Encourage Hate: Ace
Politico Reporter: Gitmo a 'Really Bad Political Tar Baby' For Obama: Breitbart

Jailbait: PW
Ailes Letter to Journalists is a Battle Cry for Press Freedom: Breitbart
No Special Counsel for the IRS Scandal : McCarthy


President Obama Is Tired, So Tired, of Fighting Terrorism: Foundry
Obama Speaks, The Heart Sinks: Ledeen
America's Bubble Economy Is Going To Become An Economic Black Hole: ZH

Fighter jets escort Pakistani plane in British airspace: Commentator
Death of an Empire: The UK Pays Terrorists $38k/yr… While Soldiers Earn Only $24k/yr: GWP
In Wake of Bloody Beheading, British Police Arrest 2 Twitter Users for Anti-Islamic Tweets: Atlas

Sci-Tech (courtesy

BBC suspends CTO after it spaffs £100m on doomed IT system: Register
Obama: Increase in domestic terrorism fueled by Internet: Exam
Building Spanish Galleons 101: Dream of sailing the seven seas? Pillage? Adventure?: Deep Sea News


Obama Dramatically Heckled by Medea of Ancient Mythology: Cube
Bartitsu: The Sherlock Holmes Way of Self-Defense: WSJ
Snooki Meets Jersey Shore Hater Gov. Chris Christie, Says She's Told She Is "Bad for Jersey": eOnline

Image: Obama Dramatically Heckled by Medea of Ancient Mythology
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Support JudicialWatch's IRS Investigation

QOTD: "...the left’s hollow claim that the [cause of the] IRS mess rests on Citizens United. The left was targeting conservative groups and donors well before the Supreme Court’s 2010 ruling on independent political expenditures by corporations.

If the country wants to get to the bottom of the IRS scandal, it must first remember the context for this abuse. That context leads to this White House." --Kimberley Strassel

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