Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 5, 2013

DUDE: "Saudi policeman lashes amnesty applicants with belt"

And that's not my headline: that's the Saudi newspaper's.

A Saudi policeman was caught on camera using his belt to beat expatriates at an immigration department after they packed its offices to benefit from an amnesty announced by the Gulf Kingdom for illegal migrants.

Newspapers said a YouTube film showing the officer beating men and shoving women out of the department in the Western Red Sea port of Jeddah has triggered public furor across the country and prompted the suspension of the cop involved.

Saudi Minister of Interior Prince Mohammed bin Nayef bin Abdul Aziz, a brother of King Abdullah, ordered an investigation into the incident and the “immediate suspension of the officer” after seeing the film, Alsaudeh Arabic language daily said.

It quoted a department spokesman as saying the behavior of the officer is “unacceptable and unjustified.”

Wait just a second, Hoss: you mean to say that the Saudis don't have open borders? Or driver's licenses for illegals? Food stamps and welfare? Free health care?

Could someone please email John McCain and Lindsey Graham?

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