Chủ Nhật, 26 tháng 5, 2013

Larwyn's Linx: Holder Perjury: Two Judges Refused Before Holder Got Unprecedented Fox News Warrant

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Holder Perjury: Two Judges Refused Before Holder Got Fox Warrant: Lid
Lerner Signed IRS Demands Months After She Said Practice Stopped: Nice Deb
DOJ Begged Judge to Keep Fox Reporter in Dark About Monitoring: NewsMax

Justice Department Investigated a New York Times Reporter, Too.: Instapundit
GOP widening Sebelius shakedown probe: Hot Air
Rubio has long history of blocking immigration enforcement: DC

House GOP leadership is botching the Benghazi investigation: DC
The Warrior's Tale: Sultan Knish
Chris Christie snubs Snooki, but rolls out the red carpet for Dear Leader: WyBlog


Will Congress Get Around to Scrapping Duplicative Programs?: PJM
My Cincinnati IRS Audit Experience: Ushanka
NLRB acting illegally: Will

The Dollar -- and the USA -- is Toast: Monckton
La Raza (The Race) Partners with Feds to Hire Government Employees: Adams
Don't do business in New Jersey. Ever.: AmmoLand

Scandal Central

Obama Donor/IRS Director Monitored IG Interviews Of Employees: WZ
Moseley: The Obama Administration lied about Benghazi: CIF could have been on the ground in 3.5 hours: Owens
How much of Bloomberg’s fortune was gotten from monitoring his customers?: MoneyRunner

Climate & Energy

Oh, good: Iranian hackers trying to break into the American energy grid: Hot Air
Now That CO2 Has Passed 400ppm, We Should All Stockpile Cyanide Or Something: Cove
W.Va. joins fight to EPA greenhouse gas rules: BizWk


CBS Reporter Sharyl Attkisson Reports She’s Been Shut Out By White House: Publius
Fired Over IRS Facebook Post: Larry Conners Speaks Out: Dana Loesch
The Danger in D.C. is Bipartisanship: RWN

See You in the Funny Papers: A tribute to an anti-mentor.: Taranto
Atlantic Magazine's Bogus, Pernicious Meme: Homosexual 'Marriages'...'Happier Than' Traditional Ones: AmPower
The #FreeKate Narrative Melts Down: Lies Exposed in Florida Teen Sex Case: AmSpec

The Words Most Abused by the Left: RWN
Just Plain Mean: RWN
Paul Krugman: Even Dumber Than We'd Thought: NB


Obama’s Cynical War Speech: McCarthy
The Stabbing Attack You Haven’t Heard About: WZ
Saudi Arabia Warns Against Iran Nuclear Program: AP

Infiltration? The Alarming Details Surrounding Alleged Hezbollah Member’s Arrest in Texas: Blaze
Netanyahu: Israel is the most threatened state in the world: JPost
Islamists attack kissing couples in Turkey: The Commentator

Sci-Tech (courtesy

'Batwing' attachment adds new wrinkle to iRobot IED hunters: ArmyTimes
Google Considering 'Wireless Balloons' to Deliver Internet to Countries: PCMag
Google Glass Photographer Makes Picture-Taking Awkward: Mashable


Voyage into Volvulus: Driscoll
Obama’s Naval Academy Commencement Address: “Sub-Optimal”: MOTUS
The Good Son: iOTW

Image: Voyage into Volvulus
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Benghazi: Demand the Truth (Video)

QOTD: "[President Obama's] speech [at the National Defense University] was bizarre, to put it mildly. It was often incoherent, as when he gritted his teeth and actually admitted that there is an ideological conflict between us and the terrorists. “Most…of the terrorism we face,” he said, ”is fueled by a common ideology…that Islam is in conflict with the United States and the West.” Without taking a deep breath, he hastily added that the “common ideology” was “based on a lie.” Why? Because “the United States is not at war with Islam…”

It’s typical of the president’s world-view that he would assume any such war to be instigated by us, but in this case the jihadis have it right, and he’s got it backwards. There is indeed a war, it is theirs, the jihadis’ war, and they are waging it because they firmly believe they are commanded to do so by the Almighty. They aim to destroy or dominate Western infidels and apostates. Those commands are in the Koran, and are repeated by a great mass of imams, ayatollahs and mullahs. Those thousands of Iranians or Hezbollahis who chant “death to America” mean just that. It’s the reason for their jihad against us." --Michael Ledeen

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