Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 10, 2012

MORE OF THE LEFT'S VAUNTED "TOLERANCE": Progressive Scumbags Portray Ritual Murder of Mitt Romney

Dateline Boulder, Colorado:

The Boulder Theater was packed with stilts, skeletons and acrobats on Friday — and that was just on stage — for the first night of ***’s weekend run...

MarchFourth Marching Band kicked off the show with a stunning visual performance. ***’s Day of the Dead/Mayan Apocalypse theme came to life with a “sacrificial ritual” of a band member in a Mitt Romney mask.

A "Day of the Dead" theme "came to life" through the portrayal of a ritual murder?

I redacted the name of the band. They don't deserve to be mentioned.

Because these punks don't have the cojones to depict the ritual murder of a Democrat.

Hat tip: Ari.

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