Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 10, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: Benghazi-gate: What is being lied about, going unasked?

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Benghazi-gate: What is being lied about, going unasked?: Anchoress
Beyond Impeachment: Treason: Simon
Benghazi timeline, sourced: ProWis

Benghazigate: Chapter Two: Babbin
The Presidency Loses Its Final Traces of Dignity: Dossier
Tyrone Woods Painted a Target, But the Missile Never Came: Rush

BEEP... BEEP... BEEP...: BlackFive
New Projection of Election Results: Romney 52, Obama 47: WS
Rasmussen: Romney up in... Ohio: AIM

Incompetence, Indifference, or Just Plain Cowardice?: Elephant
Desperation Driving Obama: Finley
Postcards From An Underwater New York: ZH


Black Chicagoans rage against the Obama, the leadership, the machine: LI
Bailout Bombshell: Fiat Says Chrysler, Jeep May Move to Italy: NLPC
Illegal Immigrants Cost Michigan Taxpayers $1 Bil A Year: JW

Dana considering layoffs as Obamacare costs mount: Thurber
White House blocks oil production in Ohio: 200,000 jobs lost: Knight
Top Five Worst Obamacare Taxes Coming in 2013: ATR

Scandal Central

Report: Fast and Furious a ‘deliberate strategy’ laid out by Eric Holder, other Obama officials: DC
‘Highly confidential’ Treasury docs show Obama administration’s entanglement in Delphi pension scandal: DC
Chicago: Homicides already pass mark for 2011, defying trend in other US cities: CSM

Cook County lands $100 million federal Obamacare waiver: ChiBiz
Obama gave $443 million no-bid contract to drug firm run by Democrat fundraiser: Knight
Benghazi: Urgent call for military help ‘was denied by chain of command’: CSM

Climate & Energy

Dept. of Energy e-mails contradict Obama denials on another green energy failure: Hot Air
Pennsylvania Coal Companies Announce Layoffs, Blame Obama: H4A
How RFK Jr received $1.3M in FREE renovations to Westchester mansion, which he just sold for $4M: DailyMail


Why Is Obama so Nasty and Vulgar?: Ledeen
Why I don’t believe the polls: Q&O
Oliver Stone rips Obama: USA Today

Having Run Out of Children and Single Women, Left Hires Foul-Mouthed Seniors: Babalu
12 Reasons to Vote Democrat: Fred's Corner
CNN political reporter not happy about favorable Romney coverage: Fox


‘Sharia Killed Ambassador Chris Stevens’: McCarthy
Benghazi and the Lethal Price of Arming Jihadists: FPM
Unreal: Obama Says 'Flexibility' Comment To Putin Meant He Was Busy Campaigning, Couldn't Talk: AllAm

The Liberal Man's Burden: Sultan Knish
Former Delta Operator on "The Panetta Doctrine" or also known as "The Dumbest S*** I Ever Heard!": BlackFive
Powerful new Benghazi ad: “When they called”: Scoop


How to use Twitter when you lose Internet access: WaPo
Google Adds Power Outage Information To Its Hurricane Sandy Crisis Map: TechCrunch
FDNY to NYC: Please don't tweet for help: CNet


The Obama Curse strikes again: Bookworm
Warning, Storm of the Century On Direct Path for the White House: MOTUS
5 Deep Insights Gained from Watching Hoarders: Hawkins

Image: Shark in New Jersey (Comment)
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Make Calls for Romney-Ryan!

QOTD: "Now the President says that the US Military that he is at the head of (and controls) as the commander in chief are the ones who, after seeing the same information he did, decided not to help those besieged Americans and the President's personal envoy and representative who were under attack...

...I know that there are his sycophant defenders who are going to say "Whuh! Did you want the Delta Force SEALS to HALO rappel from the Space Shuttle and use their death rays and then use the Flux Capacitor to beam themselves to America?" No trolls, I expected them to do their job and give the Ambassador the assets he needed to be safe in the first place, but barring their lack of testicular fortitude to do that, I would expect that they would use whatever they had at their disposal to aid the living and destroy our enemies. Delta Force could have rigged in-flight for a jump into the nearest DZ that would have gotten them into the fight to be followed by heavier forces from Italy. AFRICOM SOF assets on the Horn Of Africa could have planned on the helo flight there, Fighter Jets, land or carrier based, could have been there early on and established a presence and put human eyes on what was happening.

So Mr. President, when you say that you didn't deny aid to those brave men in Benghazi, but that members of the US Military decided not to send aid to your personal representative under attack all on their own and you had no influence over that decision, then you are either derelict, incompetent, or a liar..." --DeeBow at BlackFive

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