Thứ Năm, 18 tháng 10, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: Who Denied Security to the Benghazi Consulate?

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Who Denied Security to the Benghazi Consulate?: Nice Deb
Post-debate, Obama admits he didn't call Benghazi a terror attack: Bizzy
Romney Debates Crowley And Obama On Benghazi, Wins: RSM

Obama hints at handgun restrictions too: Exam
Female Debate Coach Complained About 'Hostile Workplace' at WH: WS
He Knows. Obama Says “When I Was President” At Debate: Bruce

Women Who Worked With Romney Think He's Awesome: Sarah
What About Michigan?: Ricochet
Report: Obama campaign turning grim on FL, VA, NC -- and CO?: Hot Air

A bright and shining Libyan lie: Hanson
To More and More Women, Romney Is the Safer Choice: Barone
Harrington Outraises Debbie Wasserman Schultz By 2-1 Margin: Shark


Applebee's, Jimmy John's warn Obamacare will cut profits, employees: Exam
L.A. To Give Illegal Immigrants ID Cards: JW
Obama’s Doctrine of “Fairness” has been Tried Elsewhere: ObjStd

The second debate: Thomas
Hell Is Paved With Obama’s Intentions: RWN
Hope and Change: 900 Applicants for 42 Positions: LadyLiberty

Scandal Central

Clinton, Obama Try to Rewrite History on Benghazi: Foundry
Mexico Atty Gen Marisela Morales: Obama Involved in Fast and Furious: MagNote
Elijah Cummings, left-wing groups try to erode ballot box integrity: Watchdog

Climate & Energy

Debate Analysis: Did Regulation Quadruple Under Obama? The Numbers Say Yes: Foundry
Obama campaign defends debate silence on climate change: Hill
Obama Now Hitting Romney on... Wind Energy: Ace


Bizarre Coincidence: Democrats Get More Time in All Three Debates: NRO
2008 Obama Voter: President's 'Been Bullsh--ting the Public With the Media Behind Him': NB
Obama at Hofstra: Relatively Alert, Ergo Big Winner: Coulter

Millennial Poll: Obama Is So Yesterday: NatlJournal
America may be over their Pop Star and ready for a President: Riehl
In Iowa Paper, Perot Backs Romney: Ace

Media Doesn't Notice That Obama Told Iowan Women They Were "Well Qualified To Teach": Ace
Last night’s debate: the view from Ohio: GayPatriot
DNC host committee owes $8 million: Politico


Military Endorsements Aren’t Decisive. That Said: WOW!: RSM
Tea Partier Tries to Blow Up Federal Reserve in NYC: AWD
Mitt Was Right: Obama Said “Act of Terror” After Describing Spontaneous Protest: Nice Deb


Hacked terminals capable of causing pacemaker deaths: SC Mag
SOUNDS DIRTY TO ME: Magic Finger Turns Any Surface Into a Touch Interface: Slashdot
Where the Internet Lives: Google invites you in to see its data centers: NextWeb


10 Important Things You May Have Missed in the Second Presidential Debate: HillBuzz
OJ kept knife he used to kill ex-wife and Ron Goldman; trying to sell it for $5 MILLION: Daily Mail
Shoot Me to the Stars: Star Photography Lightroom Presets Included!: Flickr

Image: Did Regulation Quadruple Under Obama? The Numbers Say Yes
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Help Fire Sherrod Brown: Elect Josh Mandel to U.S. Senate

QOTD: "In terms of total rulemakings, Obama’s total was almost equal to Bush’s—at 10,215 and 10,674, respectively. But most analysts recognize that these gross figures mean little, because most regulations are routine actions, such as aviation maintenance bulletins and fishing season limits.

Far more telling are the numbers of “major” rules: those that will cost the private sector $100 million or more each year. We found that 106 such major new regulations have been adopted during the Obama years, compared to 28 under Bush—a ratio of 3.8 to 1. In terms of cost, Obama’s rules imposed some $46 billion in additional annual burdens, compared to $8.1 billion in new costs during the first three Bush years, a whopping 5.6 to 1 ratio.

These numbers should not be surprising: President Obama has hardly been shy about making the case for increased regulation, and the record reflects that. Governor Romney was right to point that out." --James Gattuso

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