Thứ Tư, 17 tháng 10, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: Obama, Romney, and the Libya Exchange

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Obama, Romney, and the Libya Exchange: Geraghty
The Big Lie: Obama did not call Benghazi 'terrorism' on 9/12: Breitbart
Former Obama Aide: “He Really Doesn’t Like People”: JWF

Who Lost the Debate?: Instapundit
Romney Wins the Three-Way Debate at Hofstra: AT
Round Two Short Term Draw Long Term Romney: DTG

Alma Gonzalez AFL-CIO Goes Voter Intimidation Route: MagNote
Obama Getting Lowest Jewish Support Since Carter: Commentary
Romney Wins on Points, Not a KO: Tatler


Reminder: Obama did let Detroit go bankrupt: Exam
Obama Stimulus Funding Goes Abroad, Outsources Jobs: NewAm
Ann Coulter On Single Mothers: The Statistics From Guilty: Hawkins ('09)

New RNC ad: Romney’s powerful debate critique of Obama: Scoop
MSNBC's Undecided Voter Panel Sways Romney: WS
Details of the Auto Bailout You Won’t Hear in a Debate: Cato

Scandal Central

White House Link to Fast and Furious Back in the United States: Pavlich
Despite Obama’s 2008 claims, political relationship with Rev. Wright began as early as 1987: DC
Congressman Issa Responds To DOJ’s Request to Dismiss Fast and Furious Legal Action: CDN

Wasserman Schultz’s ‘Mile-High’ Campaign Dilemma: Shark Tank
Breaking: Another Green Company (Which Received $249 Million in Govt. Grants) Bites the Dust : BizzyBlog
Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar Violated Hatch Act: RS

Climate & Energy

Obama fashions himself as a defender of coal, oil gas, Romney calls foul: Events
Obama Sets Aside Area Larger Than Rocky Mountain National Park For Future Solar Boondoggles: GWP
IRS Investigating Green Stimulus Recipient And Obama Donor: LoneCon


Hypnotize Undecideds to Become Comfortable with the Notion of “President Romney”: Zombie
Obama’s Media Allies Struggle to Conceal Red Mentor: AIM
Expect Obama to Underperform Again in Second Debate: Ricochet

Hey, do you want to see Laura Ingraham eviscerate a NYT reporter over Benghazigate?: Moe Lane
What I Got Wrong In My Bazillion "Preference Cascade" Predictions: Ace
Candy Crowley: Romney Was Right on Benghazi: Beacon

Hollywood’s Hysterical “Cancer Screening” Lie for Obama: Malkin
Yes, Michelle Obama clapped during Obama/Crowley tag-team against debate rules: Twitchy
And now: CNN walks back false “act of terror” fact check: Twitchy

Four Reasons Black Christians Should Not Vote for Obama: NoisyRm
Parents sickened by vulgarity and sex references on Nick Jr.’s NickMom shows: Twitchy
KISS's Gene Simmons: Obama is a piss-poor President: Matzav


Candy Crowley Admits Romney Was Right About Rose Garden Libyan Comments – I Think: MagNote
Reminder: Obama said sacked consulate and dead ambassador “bumps in the road”: Hot Air
White House ponders a strike over Libya attack: AP


Meet X1, the Exoskeletal Robot Suit that Could Make Astronauts Super-Strong: Techland
Healthrageous Lands $6.5M To Help You Take Control Of Your Health (With Data): TechCrunch
The Shame of Being a BlackBerry Owner: Atlantic


Post-Debate Debate: Shayne
Man Successfully Reunited With $12,800 In Pot Plants After Calling Cops To Report Theft: Consumerist
Picasso, Matisse, Monets Stolen From Dutch Museum: ABC

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QOTD: "The memory of the second debate most Americans will be left with is how Candy Crowley attacked Mitt Romney to defend the President's Benghazi lie. The tag-team false answer just raises additional questions: if Obama called it terrorism in the Rose Garden, why did his administration continue the cover-up for weeks?" --Me, Just Now.

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