Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 8, 2010

White House Releases Barack Obama's Official Passport. And, Yes, It's Redacted.

Earlier today, an accidental click-through to Politico revealed a gleeful leftist high-fiving himself with the all-but-certain-Pulitzer-winning article entitled "Don't look, birthers, it's Obama's passport!"

Obama PassportNow, personally, I could care less where Obama was born at this point -- he's done a damn fine job ruining the country regardless.

But the Journolist-wannabes at Politico appear to have missed the point.

Why are the issue and expiration dates redacted?

Under what sort of passport did Obama travel to Pakistan in his college years?

As Jake Tapper reported during the campaign:

"I traveled to Pakistan when I was in college -- I knew what Sunni and Shia was [sic] before I joined the Senate Foreign Relations Committee."

This last part -- a college trip to Pakistan -- was news to many of us who have been following the race closely. And it was odd that we hadn't hear about it before, given all the talk of Pakistan during this campaign.

So I asked the Obama campaign for more information.

Apparently, according to the Obama campaign, In 1981 -- the year Obama transferred from Occidental College to Columbia University -- Obama visited his mother and sister Maya in Indonesia. After that visit, Obama traveled to Pakistan with a friend from college whose family was from there. The Obama campaign says Obama was in Pakistan for about three weeks, staying with his friend's family in Karachi and also visiting Hyderabad in Southern India.

Before Politico's reporters celebrate this dramatic, revealing release of new information about Obama, perhaps they could explore these redactions, his missing medical records, his missing college transcripts, his missing senior thesis, his missing law firm records, his missing State Senate records, and every other important piece of information regarding his background and upbringing.

Or would that be racist?

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