Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 8, 2010

Larwyn's Linx: Harry Reid Campaign Stuck on Crazy

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Harry Reid Campaign Stuck on Crazy: LegalIns
Blago Holdout Juror Was a Chicago Pol!: Ace
Nice: WTC Mosque Supporters Pick 9/11 As Protest Date: Pools

Secret Slush Funds for Mosque Opponents: GoV
Harry Reid's Mosque Dissent is Political Calculus: RWN
Battle for 2010: Could Barney Frank Lose?: PJM

Orange Charlie's Bad Day: RedState
The Race Card is Maxed Out: AT
Court: Roadside crosses for fallen police unconstitutional: CSM


Pelosi and the Treasure Island land grab: Malkin
Uh oh: ObamaCare's Loophole Could Bring it Down: NRO
Soros Bailing Out of U.S. Stock Market: GWP

When Geithner was the only man who could save us: MoneyRunner
How To Go Extinct: IBD
The Mess of Mandatory Volunteerism: MTC

Climate & Energy

What the Chinese really think of 'Man Made Global Warming' : Telegraph
Scientist: Oil Has Not Vanished: Beast


World's Dumbest Blogger Discovers Economics: Surber
Obama's Petulant Presidency: AmSpec
Blago: Dead Meat Walking, But Heat to Be Applied Again: Kass

Why, no: Charles Johnson didn't toss everything he believed in under the bus...: RWN
Barack Obama's Priorities (Pic): RWN
Understanding Obama's Muslim Roots: Cashill

Democrats Oppose Glenn Beck Rally Venue but Support... Ground Zero Victory Mosque: RWN
Obama 'fully embraces' Meeks -- Boosts Rubio: Ace
Sweet new NRSC ad: You’re the extremists, Democrats: Hot Air


"The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets, the faithful our soldiers": JoshuaPundit
So How Has the West's Policy Towards Hamas Worked Out?: BRubin
Progressive Utopia: Taxpayers Fund Flights of Disabled to Amsterdam to Have Sex With Hookers: BlogProf

The Cynical Brilliance of Imam Rauf: Hanson
Civilizational War: AT
Look who's 'nativist' now!: Coulter


Verizon shows off iPad TV app: CNet
One Simple View to Manage Your Budget?: BudgetSketch
Star Wars fans ask NASA to build a hyperdrive: CSM


O. M. G. -- KFC's Skinwich: BrainResidue
U.S. Unemployment Maps: 2007 to 2010: Sad Hill News
57 Impeachable Offenses: iOTW

Images: Spotted at Ace o' Spades
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Sick of Harry Reid? Support Sharron Angle Now!

QOTD: "It’s a book called Low Carbon Plot, by Gou Hongyang and, as it’s freely available in China’s government-controlled bookstores, carries Beijing’s nihil obstat. No English translation is currently available, but our own China correspondent, Locusts, has translated the introduction from the original Mandarin, and (not entirely without risk to himself) has asked me to make it publicly available on this forum. At four thousand words, it’s a little long to insert onto a blog page, but you can navigate to it from the Rare Scribblings menu option at the top, or just click here.

It’s not so much an eye-opener as it is a bombshell. If true, it shows the Chinese government as rejecting CAGW in its entirety, believing it a conspiracy between Western governments and business to protect their own way of life, at the expense of the entire developing world—in other words, 80% of the world’s population." -- James Delingpole

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