The once great organization -- the NAACP -- has fallen on hard times. Having aligned itself with the Democrat Party over the last several decades, it has turned into a parody of a civil rights organization:
• It labels black conservatives "Uncle Toms";
• It mocked Kenneth Gladney, the black victim of Democrat violence;
• It forced greeting card maker Hallmark to pull 'racist' graduation cards that referred to "black holes" in space;
• Last month it pulled the race card on Arkansas Democrat Robbie Wills, accusing him of racism, for calling his black primary opponent "unelectable";
Considering this litany of embarrassments, it's little wonder that the NAACP is prepared to label elements of the Tea Party as "racists".
The [NAACP] will propose a resolution this week condemning racism within the tea party movement... [it] calls upon “all people of good will to repudiate the racism of the Tea Parties, and to stand in opposition to its drive to push our country back to the pre-civil rights era.”
NAACP leaders said the resolution was necessary to make people aware of what they believe is a racist element within the tea party movement.
"I think a lot of people are not taking the tea party movement seriously, and we need to take it seriously,” said Anita Russell, head of the Kansas City chapter of the NAACP. “We need to realize it’s really not about limited government."
Of course, on the other hand, the NAACP wants to be more like the Tea Party.
The head of the NAACP paused, started, then paused again when trying to explain what the message of his keynote address would be when he steps to the podium tonight at the civil rights organization’s national convention.
“The core message will be that we’ve got to pull this nation back together and put this country back to work,” said Benjamin Jealous, president and CEO of the NAACP, in an interview.
Jealous’ strategy for pulling the country back together might at first blush surprise those at the convention. His idea: Follow the lead of the Tea Party movement, which emerged in full force after the election of President Barack Obama with rallies, town hall meetings and a “take back the country” mantra.
Writing at Political Integrity Now, Ron Miller puts it bluntly.
"It’s time for someone to tell the NAACP to lay down their sword and shield before they further humiliate themselves and the people they claim to represent."
@DrewWalker7 just tweeted, "As a black person I am officially renaming the NAACP to the NAADP, Natnl Assoc for the Advcmnt of the Democratic Party."
• Ron Miller -- From Justice to Joke
• Black Sphere -- the NAACP is Racist.
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