Thứ Ba, 13 tháng 7, 2010

Stop the Occupation

A recurring theme over the last decade has been Muslim-on-Muslim violence.

• The International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague charged the President of Sudan with genocide, citing 300,000 killed in Muslim-on-Muslim violence that has left 2.5 million in barbaric refugee camps.

• In Uganda Sunday, 75 people -- mostly Muslims watching the World Cup -- were killed by al-Shabab Islamists linked to al-Qaida. The barbarians believe that watching television is against Islamic religious law and that any Muslims who violate their dictate should be killed.

I blame Bush.

• In this country, a mosque was set afire just last week. True to form, the apologists who were named as co-conspirators in terror-funding trials -- also known as CAIR -- were quick to leap to conclusions, stating "given the recent wave of incidents targeting American mosques, a possible bias motive for this apparent arson attack must be considered... Unfortunately, there is a vocal minority in our society promoting anti-Muslim bigotry..."

Turns out a Muslim named Tamsir Lucien Mendy was charged with the crime.

* * * * * * * * *

Maybe if these other Muslims would just stop their illegal occupation of Palesti... Oh. Never mind.

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