Thứ Tư, 14 tháng 7, 2010

Larwyn's Linx: Despite Low Poll Numbers, Obama Plows Ahead

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Despite Low Poll Numbers, Obama Plows Ahead: RWN
Michelle O: Black People Need to 'Increase Intensity': BlogProf
Tim Scott Blasts NAACP Resolution on Tea Party: GWP

Progress Report: Winning the Senate: Morris
We Want Answers, Jan Schakowsky: BackCon
Philadelphia’s Islamist Boy Scouts: FPM


DOJ Continues to Act in Non-Race-Neutral Fashion: Adams
Congressman asks I.G. to launch Panthergate probe: Simon
Strap-On Blames Panther Case On – Wait For It – Bush: Medaite


Obama's Debt Commission: Obama's Debt Will Destroy Us: RWN
Team Obama Could Break $1.5 Trillion Deficit Record: GWP
Illegals Boycott Arizona By Leaving: Scooter

As Obama kowtows, unions eye the private sector: Barone
Rating Agencies Are Now Raw Meat for Trial Lawyers: NewEd
Obama is Barely Treading Water: USN&WR

Climate & Energy

Heads Up: Cap-and-Tax Showdown is Coming: Malkin
Cap-and-Trade Bill Will Clobber DC: WashExam
Obama sidesteps law on domestic energy... twice: PJM


Mocking a War Hero: a Teachable Moment: Malkin
Fisking the Chicago Sun-Times' Anti-2nd Amendment Article: RWN
Quote of the Day: F*** Yeah!: Above the Law

Black Conservatives Condemn NAACP Resolution on Tea Party: GWP
NYT Buries Key Findings: AT
Girls! Girls! You’re both pretty!: Treacher

Suppressing the Political Impact of the Gulf Oil Crisis: AT
Newt Gingrich for president? I'd rather not: WashExam
Piercing a California Democratic Congressman’s Liberal Cocoon: Driscoll


The disintegration of the welfare state: Globe & Mail
The Al-Dura Hoax: Truth, Finally, May Be Coming: PJM
Yes, We Kenya: the Obama Administration's Pro-Abortion Meddling: AmSpec


Gibbs' Lies About NASA's New Mission: BlogProf
A trip beyond the edge of the observable universe: CNet
What is the most clicked Firefox button?: InternetNews


The Waters Parted, the Cap was Seated, and Behold - the Damn Hole was Plugged. Alleluia!: MOTUS
For those never invited into Rush's condo: C&S
Another Gator Story: Parkway Rest Stop

Image: Curmudgeonly & Skeptical.
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Sharron Angle for U.S. Senate: Defeat Harry Reid!

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