Thứ Hai, 17 tháng 5, 2010

No Questions Allowed at the Signing of the 'Freedom of the Press Act'

Earlier today President Obama signed the Daniel Pearl Freedom of the Press Act, which grants the federal government (wait for it) more power (how'd you guess?) to track which countries adhere to international press freedom standards.

The White House press pool was present in the Oval Office and...

...Obama was asked if he would entertain some questions -- specifically about BP.

"Speaking of press freedoms," ventured Chip Reid of CBS News.

"You're certainly free to ask the question," Obama said. "I won't be answering, I'm not doing a press conference today, but we'll be seeing you in the course of the week."

Outstanding! President Obama celebrates press freedom by refusing to hear questions from the press! Somehow, with this administration, that offhanded act of disdain just seems, well, fitting.

Unrelated aside: here's a closeup of the President's watch. Anyone know what make and model this is?

Images: Getty Images.

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