Thứ Hai, 8 tháng 12, 2008

The Deadwood approach to fighting terrorism

The short-lived HBO Series Deadwood was based upon a series of real events in the old west town of Deadwood in the Dakota territories (now South Dakota).

The series is based, in part, on real events. It features a set of historical figures -- Wyatt Earp, Wild Bill Hickok, Calamity Jane and George Hearst, to name but a few -- who actually visited Deadwood during the height of a gold frenzy that occurred in the 1870s.

No figure, however, was more colorful and feared in Deadwood than saloon-slash-brothel owner Al Swearengen. Swearengen was the de facto ruler of Deadwood, having founded the town and built its preeminent business: the Gem Saloon.

In real life, Swearengen "lured dozens of women to the camp by falsely promising good jobs in local hotels and promising to make them stage performers in his popular Gem Theater. Once they arrived, the women were virtually forced into white slavery or thrown into the street."

One of Swearengen's most trusted compatriots was an unlikely gentleman of Asian descent. Mr. Wu, while limited in English vocabulary, possessed a certain knack for disposing of bodies for those who crossed Swearengen.

The method Wu and his associates employed was ingeniously simple: they threw bodies into a massive pig sty and let the porkers feast on the remains. The problem of unsightly evidence was solved within hours.

* * *

The New York Times -- whose building incidentally just got hocked to raise cash -- today reports that the 9/11 detainees are daring the U.S. government to put them to death.

These are the same mass-murderers who incinerated 3,000 innocent souls in a single Tuesday morning.

...All five of the Guantánamo detainees charged with planning and coordinating the Sept. 11 attacks have asked a military judge to accept their confessions in full. The request appeared to be intended to cut short any effort to try them, and to challenge the United States government to put them to death.

...If that indeed happens in the first days of the Obama administration, then Monday’s proceedings will have been the detainees’ last opportunity to challenge the widely criticized system here with guilty pleas that could yield them the opportunity for what they see as martyrdom.

Martyrdom, eh?

I think the Wu method might work for these subhuman murderers.

Hat tips: Prairie Pundit and Larwyn. Related reading: Deadwood Facts & Fiction. Scene from HBO's Deadwood (caution: language warning): YouTube. Linked by: Denny and Tall Cotton. Thanks!

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