Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 12, 2008

Larwyn's Link Kerplosion: Princess and the Peabrain

Top five gaffes of campaign 2008 - Swamp Politics
Blago's Auction - American Thinker
Seven best capers of 2008 (but they forgot Madoff) - Wired

Lawyer [Dreier] Is Accused in Huge Hedge Fund Fraud - DealBook
Marc Dreier and Bernie Madoff: A Tale of Two Bails - WSJ
Shana Madoff's Ties to Uncle Probed - WSJ

'Senate Candidate No. 3' — Jan Schakowsky and Save-A-Life - RBO
The Slave Next Door: Child maid trafficking reaches US - Yahoo! News
Zakir ("Whacky Zaky") Naik on peace and tolerance - YouTube

Spot on sailor - Theo Spark
The Princess and the Peabrain - Ace
Warren's selection for 'Man of the Year' is mine too - American Digest

Tale of two presidential workout fanatics - Michelle Malkin
What ever happened to hope and change? - Jammie Wearing Fool
Sunday Night Blago Scandals Digest - Marathon Pundit

"Immortals? We'll put their name to the test." -- Leonidas (300)

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