During the first two-thirds of the 20th century, The Ku Klux Klan served as "
the terrorist wing of the Democrat Party."

The Ku Klux Klan was established by the Democrat Party.

The Ku Klux Klan murdered thousands of Republicans -— African-Americans, Catholics and Jews -- in the years following the Civil War.

The Republican Party and a Republican President, Ulysses S. Grant, crushed the KKK with
The Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871.

The Klan was resurrected during the administration of Democrat Woodrow Wilson, an avowed white supremacist. In the White House, Wilson screened the blockbuster film
The Birth of a Nation, which was notorious for "promoting white supremacy and positively portraying the 'knights' of the Ku Klux Klan as heroes."

film inspired a new generation of Klansmen, complete with burning crosses, white sheets and an ideology based upon race supremacy. As recently as the seventies, the Klan was still utilizing the film to recruit new members.

The KKK soon became such a driving force within the Democrat Party that the
1924 Democrat National Convention was known as "the Klanbake".

In 1937 Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed a former member of the Klan, Senator Hugo Black (D-AL), to the Supreme Court.

In the fifties and sixties, members of the KKK who fought the civil rights movement were uniformly Democrats. Infamous police commissioner Bull Connor not only attacked protesters with fire hoses, dogs and clubs, but served as both a KKK member and a committeeman for the Democrat Party.

In the eighties, Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WV) -- a recruiter and executive for the Klan -- was elevated to third-in-line for the Presidency.

In fact, the
greatest civil rights activist in American history -- Martin Luther King, Jr. -- was a Republican.

one of the greatest speeches in American history -- many historians believe it is second only to The Gettysburg Address -- King dreamed of a day when skin color was as meaningless as eye color. He said, "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

King supported the NAACP of his era. The group's proud tradition included fighting against the diabolical practice of lynching, supporting the civil rights struggle, and driving legislation that advanced the cause of equal rights and individual liberties.

The NAACP historically had strong ties to
the Jewish community: "Jews wrote most of the checks that bankrolled the fights of Martin Luther King... the Freedom Rides of James Farmer and CORE (the Congress of Racial Equality). Ever since the early years of the NAACP more than fifty years before, with a Jewish president and, a few years later, a black national organizer, leading Jews on the board of directors, and a vocal black membership, blacks and Jews were linked in the fight to end racial discrimination."
Fast forward a few decades and we find that the NAACP has become the antithesis of King's vision. It has, in the words of the
National Black Republican Association, a "racist agenda."

It supports the same party of racism -- the Democrat Party -- that murdered its predecessors. It supports the agenda of dependency and modern slavery, endless big government, and an unconditional loss of liberty.

Today's NAACP unapologetically welcomes Louis Farrakhan, a virulent racist who preaches hatred of
Jews and

Today's NAACP Chairman, Julian Bond, is a
spiteful, bitter racist who despises anyone that opposes his radical Statist agenda. If you believe in the Constitution, if you believe in individual liberty and private property, then Bond's bizarre ideology brands you a racist.

At an NAACP gathering,
FDA executive Shirley Sherrod "twice decried present-day racism, as if it was 400 years ago. That suggests a person whose views on race have not truly changed at all. But she doesn't stop there. [Referring to Tea Party activists,] Sherrod says, 'I haven't seen such mean-spirited people as I have seen lately over this issue, healthcare. Some of the racism we thought was buried, didn't it surface.' ...In Sherrod's world, no one is allowed to object to a significant Obama-supported policy change impacting the healthcare of all Americans without being labeled a racist."

The NAACP and Sherrod are illegitimate heirs to King's legacy. Political debate can not occur when proven racists claim that any dispute is the result of racism.

Facts, logic, history and reason are of no consequence. If you disagree with the Obama administration, if you believe in the Constitution, if you believe in American exceptionalism, then you're a racist.

The NAACP, with its embrace of racism and hatred, is a national disgrace. Shirley Sherrod is a government hack with a chip on her shoulder. Both owe Andrew Breitbart an apology.

Martin Luther King wouldn't even recognize today's NAACP, which is eerily similar to the Klan of old. It appears to embrace hatred based solely upon race, an ideology that is closer to Germany of the thirties than King's America.
Linked by: Michelle Malkin. Thanks!
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