
A People’s History Of American Moronitude: Crittenden
What do Bill Ayers and Van Jones Have in Common?: NewZeal
Exclusive: Sarah Palin's 2012 Ground Game: RWN
Moral of Obamacare: Taxes In, Doctors Out: LegalIns
Unions Holding Up Cash for Troops: RWN
Repealing ObamaCare is Just the First Step: BigGovtLost in Taxation: IRS Gains Massive New Powers: WSJ
So much for the 'frivolous' Commerce Clause challenge: Volokh
Remember the Pay-Go rule Obama Wanted? Neither does he: Greenroom
Roads to Ruin: Towns Rip Up the Pavement: WSJ
Illinois Pensions: Rob the Poor and Give it to the Rich: ChampionNews
Climate & Energy
BP, feds clash over reopening capped Gulf oil well: WashExamEco-Indulgences, Get ‘em While They’re “Hot”: CBullitt
Bob Schieffer: I Didn’t Ask Holder About the Black Panther Thing Because I Didn’t Know About It: MalkinStates with Stricter Gun Control Laws Are Less Safe: PJM
Former US-Based Jihadi Blogger Samir Khan Behind al-Qaeda in Yemen’s New Online Magazine: WZ
Why the Left is wrong to defend the Panthers: Adams
A War Amongst Ourselves: AT
The Ancien Regime Isn’t Going Out Without a Fight: Driscoll
Muslim Bus Drivers in England Refuse to Allow Blind Passengers and their Guide Dogs On Board: WZIt's Okay to Kill Your 14-Year Old Muslim Daughter in Canada: NRO
Oh, the Humanity: Spectacular New Mall Opens in Gaza: TGM
What Happens If Things Go Really Badly? $15 Trillion of Sovereign Debt in Default: CalcRisk
Top Chinese Economist: Stop Buying U.S. Treasuries, Start Buying Gold: Insider
Unwilling British workers has fuelled migration, says minister: Telegraph
Single-Payer Hell: Cash crisis in Britain leaves patients lying on operating tables: BlogProf
Venezuela's 'revolution' is springing leaks everywhere: LAHT
U.S. Will Send $7.5B to Pakistan: BBC
U.S. dietary guidelines hard to swallow: MalangaTwitter, Twitter, little stars: Maktoob
I'm From the Government and I'm Here for Your BMI: AT
Gee, What Do You Think Attracted Obama to This Ice Cream Shop?: PowersObama moves away from 'Freedom of Religion' toward 'Freedom of Worship'?:
Fabu Friday: Autumn People
Images: iOwnTheWorld.
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Arizona’s Fight – America’s Fight
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