
Black Tea Partiers Rebut NAACP: Politico
NAACP Tries to Weasel Out of Racist Allegations: GWP
DOJ Colleagues Confirm Whistleblower Adams' Accusations: PJM
Surprise! States Receive Tax Money for Abortions: RWN
Bagman for Obama and Clinton Gets a Dozen in the Big House: JWF
The Dodd-Frank Monstrosity Passes 60-39: MalkinObama's Call for 'Economic Justice': AT
Poverty-stricken Bell, CA's bloated municipal budget: AmPower
No Problems With Union Nap Time: RWN
The CBO Warns the Nation: Anyone Listening?: AT
Obama Saves, Creates Korean Jobs With Stimulus: BlogProf
Climate & Energy
ClimateGate and the Big Lie: AceThe 'Well Integrity Test' Is a Sham: Zero Hedge
84 days later, BP says it stopped the spill: GWP
Democrats Turn Their Attention to Control of the Media: ATDoes anyone even read NY Times editorials?: WashExam
Cherry-Picked Constitutionality: AT
Senator Specter's Votes: Patterico
Tucker Carlson to Strap-On: We Own You!: Insider
A Phone Call from the Associated Press: AT
CNN Doofus Argues with Black Tea Party Member: Civil War is 'Modern History': NewsBusters
Specter: I'd Like To Keep Sucking At The Public Teat Please: Ace
Andrea Mitchell: House Democrats' Spat With Gibbs is 'Unfortunate': NewsBusters
Janet Napolitano offers to help put stop to illegal border crossings — in Saudi Arabia: WorldTribNew START and Obama’s Mysterious Trip to Russia: AIM
'Civil Rights' Lawyer Lynne Stewart Receives New 10-Year Sentence: NY1
Tentacles of Hate Reach Philadelphia: AT
Fired Ohio Homeland Security Official Alomari Secretly Worked in Jordanian Government: Jawa
Breaking: Leftist Hero Hugo Chavez Jails Opposition Leader On Bogus Explosives Charges: GWP
The New York Times Goes Nuts, Says The Government Should Regulate Google's Search Algorithm: InsiderInception Is Brilliant and Baffling: PJM
What we know about the iPhone 4's antenna: CNet
Nice Wine Rack!: JWFThe Case For and Against College: Denninger
Oh, My: Mel Gibson's Latest Tape Kinda Just Gets Worse and Worse Even Without Racial Slurs: Ace
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Sharron Angle for U.S. Senate -- Give Harry Reid a Pink Slip
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