Now, as the Obama administration inserts all sorts of bizarre and intrusive dictates into its various takeovers of the private sector, these very same leftists are silent. It's clear that "civil liberties" are of little concern so long as the federal government gets to intrude further and further into our lives.
They're watching you... buy gold
Economic Policy Journal relays word from the coin-collecting magazine Numismaster that:...[s]tarting on January 1st in 2012, US federal law will require coin and bullion dealers to report to the Internal Revenue Service all gold and silver coin purchases and sales greater than $600.
No that is not an error, they tacked the gold coin tracking regulations into the health bill. They are just tacking stuff on wherever they can.

• The tracking directly targets a major advertising force on conservative television programs, websites and radio shows (e.g., GoldLine) and puts the cross-hairs on conservatives who purchase bullion.
• Like FDR, who confiscated gold from individuals, the Obama Democrats want to begin controlling the flow of real currency -- not just the fiat paper that Ben Bernanke has been printing like a madman.
What's Your Federal Obesity Index?
As for your body, by 2014 you will be legally required to have an "electronic health record". This lovely little dictate was craftily inserted into the $1 trillion "Stimulus" bill of 2009.Your electronic record will include an "obesity rating", which will be "securely shared" with government agencies and health care providers.
I'll let you imagine the consequences: federal nutrition laws, government-sponsored nutrition initiatives, federally approved healthy food products, etc.
Welcome to Central Planning U.S.A.
Like East Germany in the sixties, the Obama Democrats are turning the country into a statist's dream of authoritarian government, central planning and -- ultimately -- slavery.
New bureaucracies, agencies and offices will control more and more aspects of your life. How much you can eat. What kind of health care you can receive. How much money you can earn and save.
This is only the first phase -- accomplished in less than two years -- by a federal government so out-of-control that the founders of this country wouldn't recognize it. Consider what the next few years will hold unless we obliterate the Democrat Party in November.
And from the ACLU hippies and media drones? Crickets are chirping as the White House begins its surveillance of your money and your body.
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