Runner-up headline:
The unbridled success of the Obamaconomy continues to delight President Axelrod
The magenta (that's purple for you liberals) line represents the Bureau of Economic Analysis number that trails consumer data on a quarterly basis. The blue (that's the color of some ink pens for you liberals) line depicts the Consumer Metrics Institute's Daily Growth Index.

The green line represents the 2006 contraction; the red line 2008; and the blue line illustrates our current situation. In short: have you ever seen the movie
Journey to the Center of the Earth?

The current weighted composite sector index -- which measures activity in various sectors of the economy like retail, housing, etc. -- appears to have the following reading: "
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Gee, a massive tax hike in the form of the expiration of the evil Bush tax cuts ought to really spur some growth. Right, Vladimir?
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