
Diversity Consultant Throws The K-Bomb: LegalIns
Blago Trial: Winners and Losers: Kass
Reminder: Nikki Haley is a Secret Muslim Whore: RWN
Clarice's Pieces: Know When to Hold 'Em: AT
Bleeding Blue -- the Obama Gambit: Black Sphere
The Doctor Will See You Now -- Or Else: Doc Is InReid to Netroots: 'We're Going To Have a Public Option': AmSpec
Taleb's 10 Principles for a Black Swan-robust Society: AmDigest
Gender & Class Warfare--The Paycheck Fairness Act: Wolf
It’s the Uncertainty, Stupid: Blumer
Health Refom Already Hurting Consumers: Times
Climate & Energy
The CLEAR Act of Another Federal Land Grab: MorphCityChina questions review of controversial carbon program: CNet
A Dispatch from the Front Lines of the Great Green Push to Rule the World: CBullitt
Breitbart: Why No Politico, Or Bloomberg Firings?: RiehlChecking in with the mother ship -- The real lesson of the 'JournoList' leaks: Post
Still Waiting for Apologies: LegalIns
WaPo finds waste in goverment: but only where it concerns national security!: WashExam
Young Voters Slowly Abandoning Hope & Change: Malkin
West Virginia: Drop Out Rate a Crisis? Or Not?: Gormogons
James Rainey: Breitbart Was Irresponsible for Doing What I Do All the Time: Patterico
Considering Elizabeth Warren, the Scholar: McArdle
Big Peace Exclusive Interview: Col. Allen West: BigPeace
The Man Who Would Stop the Ground Zero Mosque: ATRauf’s Dawa from the World Trade Center Rubble: McCarthy
Burka Bans Spreading, Though Shamefully Not in Britain: PJM
The 'unravelling relationship' between Russia and Iran: BBC
Canada Must End Affirmative Action: National Post
Morocco harassing Christians: Is our man up to the job?: Star-Tribune
Al Franken at Netroots: Bloated and Boring: On My WatchCanadian CF18 Pilot Ejects Moments Before Crash at Alberta International Airshow: RWN
Chrome 6: What made the cut--and what missed it: CNet
Sarah Palin Does Not and Never Did Suck Toes, Thank You: On My WatchSunday Book Thread: Ace
Lawyer Says Saudi Man Who Boasted About His Sex Life On TV Wins Appeal: ABM
Special thanks to: W.
Image Hat Tip: Rants and other Refinements
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Donate a couple of bucks to Sharron Angle in Nevada -- and fire Harry Reid
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