
The Phalanx of 41 Must Hold the Line: AT
Is DISCLOSE Dead in the Senate?: LibertyPundits
Robert Byrd Dead at 92: Breitbart
A Brief Discussion About WV Senate Seat Rules: Malkin
The Misplaced Faith in Federal Regulators: RWN
At G-20, Obama ditches press pool... again: RWN
Party Like It's 1773: PJM
We’re Here, We’re Queer and We’re in Abject Denial: iOTW
Federal Revenue and the Economy: ATChrysler's Restructuring Plans: Patterico
Moonshot: Graph of the Day: AT
Climate & Energy
Golfing the Gulf Away: Cold FuryFAIL: Hundreds of Oil Skimmers AWOL: RWN
Day 68: Still No Skimmers Off MS Gulf Coast: GWP
Democratic-Media Complex Comes Under Attack After Weigel Kerkuffle: GWPIt's the Media, Stupid: Marcus
Hitting Thomas Sowell Over The Head With Palin Derangement Syndrome: LegalIns
Vartan Gregorian, Bill Ayers and Barack Obama: Back in the Saddle Again: MagNote
The 2003 Rezko Fundraiser for Obama: Marathon
The Only Thing New Under the Sun: Cold Fury
The Fattest Cats of All: RWN
Welcome to East Germany on the Potomac: Driscoll
Atlas Book Review: the Grand Jihad: Atlas
Iran claims Israel pre-positioning strike force in Saudi Arabia: AceSeeing Iran Plain: Ledeen
Israeli policy in the age of Islamism: PJM
Moonbats on the March: Violence Breaks Out at G-20: RWN
Military-Civilian Relations Better Be A Two-Way Street: Kesler
Protesters Blast Israel at G8/G20 Summit in Toronto: AmPower
Google Streetview's Latest Mystery: Horseboy: Daily Mail (UK)Broadband Availability to Expand: CNet
G-20 Ministers on AGW Payments: GTFO: CBullitt (Language Warning)
Have a Sip of George Washington’s Whiskey: iOTWG-20: the Quicker Picker Upper, eh?: MOTUS
Enter the Dragon: IowaHawk
Image: John L. Wathen.
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Joel Pollak for Congress - Defeat Jan Schakowsky.
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