Pursuant to the Elena Kagan confirmation process, I would like to call your attention to a little-known fact related to the role of the minority party on the committee. That is, Rule IV of the Judiciary Committee states that "at least one member of the minority party must vote to end debate in committee."
For Elena Kagan to move to a vote in the Senate, at least one Republican on your committee must accede to end debate. I suggest you hold firm and refuse to end debate.
This Democrat-controlled Congress and this Democrat President have declared war on the American people. Against the clear wishes of the people:

• they have rammed through, without a single Republican vote, a brand new entitlement program -- socialized medicine -- when the country can least afford its existing entitlements;
• they are attempting to use unaccountable bureaucracies like the EPA to levy crushing new energy taxes, which will allow an unelected, fourth branch of government to completely control industrial policy;
• they aim to jam through thousands of pages of financial regulation that not a single representative has read, the effects of which cannot be predicted, and that doesn't address the root cause of the economic meltdown: the government-sponsored entities Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac;
This egregious band of career, Leftist politicians have made a mockery of representative government because, even as the American people prepare to boot them out of office in November, they plot to defy the will of the people.
In a set of moves unprecedented in American history, Democrats intend to use the lame-duck session combined with budget reconciliation to do what the American people have rejected. They intend to pass their radical agenda despite what 75-80% of the American people want. They intend to flip off the citizenry, bypass the filibuster and violate their oaths to uphold the Constitution.
This band of Statists has declared war on the GOP and the American people.
It's time to stop playing patsy and refuse to vote Kagan or any other non-originalist nominee out of commitee.
Stonewall everything.
They've Pearl Harbored the American people enough. It's time for our Midway.
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