Kagan Nomination

Did Kagan lie to Supreme Court in 9/11 case?: TAB
Is this the Kagan 'smoking gun'?: Patterico
'A Pattern of Socialist Associations': the Early Years: NewZeal
Reports: Kagan used flat-out lies to win cases: NiceDeb
Sotomayor lied, Kagan's credibility died: Times
Obama's 'Coffee House' Loophole: MalkinAdolf Farrakhan wants Jews to apologize: GWP
Where Did the Tea-Party Anger Come From?: Hanson
Reporter, Consultant, Housewife, Spy: AT
Pete Stark urinates all over voters: Malkin
NY should kill profs' foolish vote-count scheme: Post
Hasn’t the SEIU wasted enough of its members’ money?: MalkinHow the Worst Teachers are Rewarded by Unions: RWN
The Union-Only Protection Racket: Jacoby
So Tell Me: Charity and Government: Kesler
CBO Tax Analysis: Oof!: BlogProf
Why Obama is Sabotaging U.S. Economic Growth: AIM
Climate & Energy
Day 70: Feds Finally Accept Foreign Help with Spill: RWN5 Ways the Administration Bungled the Gulf Spill: Townhall
Obama's Bureaucracies: They're spill-tastic!: Morris
Left-wing group’s grant will 'educate' legacy media on Obamacare law: MalkinDaily Kos to sue Research 2000 over polling fraud: Hot Air
The Perpetual Campaign: PJM
A Media Welfare State?: City Journal
I'll Take a Cashier's Check, Mr. Breitbart: IowaHawk
Tom Brokaw's Stunning Revelation: He's a Democrat: Malkin
Desperately Seeking Liberals: AT
Oops: Ambinder's Agitprop Requires Some Facts: RWN
Riehl's War on the GOP Establishment: Ace
Petraeus Testimony: Mudville GazetteWould a Tehran 'No Fly' Zone Work?: AT
Obama surrenders: US arms sales to Taiwan on hold: People's Daily (China)
Why Islam Will Never Accept the State of Israel: AT
Leviathan's Loot: AT
Chavez Protesters in Venezuela Carry Stalin, Lenin & Marx Posters: GWP
Science historian cracks "the Plato code": ManchesterCisco introduces Cius Android tablet PC: CNet
Google Changing Course In Big Fight With China: IBD
Amateurs: SondraKCities with worst traffic problems revealed: Maktoob
Saudi clerics battle over adult-breastfeeding: Maktoob
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: J.D. Hayworth for U.S. Senate -- Retire John McCain Once and For All
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