
Obama's thuggery useless in fighting spill: Barone
So Why Does the Border Never Get Secured?: RWN
Crist leading by 11%?: JIP
Skeez Grayson Runs Fake Tea-Party Candidate: GWP
Barack and Bureaucracy: AT
How Far Nevada Has Fallen: RWNDocs Refuse Medicare Patients at Record High: BlogProf
Obama announces 'Dad fund': Malkin
The Emperors Have No Doc Fix: LegalIns
Solis: Illegal Aliens Deserve Fair Pay: Proctor
Jobs Apartheid: Public vs. Private Sector Shock: BlogProf
Climate & Energy
The Jones Act Waiver: PattericoPelosi: Climate Change Legislation a 'Moral' Issue: CNS
Pelosi’s lame blame game: No ‘burrowed-in’ Bush appointees oversaw Deepwater Horizon: WashExam
MSNBC Host Admits to Using White House Talking Points: AnBlkConMcChrystal “Unimpressed” With Obama and His “10 Minute Photo Ops”: GWP
Border Disorder: Latest Violence Shows Why We Need to Get Serious About Immigration: PJM
Kagan Says Bork Hearings Were Best Thing That Happened to Constitutional Democracy…: GWP
Expecting Less From Our Black Children: BlkInformant
‘First, Do No Harm’: A Plea to the FTC: PJM
Iran Cannot Be Contained: CommentarySupreme Court upholds bar on 'humanitarian' support for terrorist groups: Babbin
Mad and Madder: AT
Revealed: Photo of Obama’s Radical Mentor Chucking Rocks at Israeli Soldiers: GWP
On Doing God's Work: Goldseek
Gold reclaims currency status as global system unravels: Telegraph
Emotional Immodesty on Facebook: First ThoughtsPhotos: Oil Spill Hits 60th Day: SacBee
Note To Self: No More Pissing Women Off: Riehl
Missouri man's incendiary sign on U.S. 71 draws fire: KCChild Safety Hints: Hatless
Bombshell Study: Stupid Women Go After Rich Men: JWF
Images: Nate Beeler.
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: J.D. Hayworth for U.S. Senate
QOTD: "In 1936, during the Cable Street riots, the British Union of Fascists jeered at London Jews, “Go back to Palestine!”, “Palestine” being in those days the designation for the Jewish homeland. Last week, Helen Thomas, the doyenne of the White House press corps, jeered at today’s Jews, “Get the hell out of Palestine,” “Palestine” being now the designation for the land illegally occupied by the Jewish apartheid state. “Go home,” advised Miss Thomas, “to Poland and Germany.” Wherever a Jew is, whatever a Jew is, he should be something else somewhere else. And then he can be hated for that, too.
North Korea sinks a South Korean ship; hundreds of thousands of people die in the Sudan; millions die in the Congo. But 10 men die at the hands of Israeli commandos and it dominates the news day in, day out for weeks, with UN resolutions, international investigations, calls for boycotts, and every Western prime minister and foreign minister expected to rise in parliament and express the outrage of the international community. Odd. But why?" -- Mark Steyn
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