
Rancher shows video of armed Mexicans Invading America: WZ
Government by the Faculty Lounge: Hanson
Jerry Brown says Meg Whitman's Campaign is Nazi-like: RWN
Students instructed to chant Obama's name: GWP
Abolishing the Dept. of Education isn't extreme: WashExam
About Obama’s $50 Billion Bailout Request…: Nice DebGulf Coast: another victim of Obama's union ties: Moonbattery
The World's Money Problem: AT
Psst: how much will you pay me to fill out forms?: RWN
White House turned down help from Britain and Netherlands: GWP
We need to save the same jobs again with $50B more!: Hot Air
Climate & Energy
Fuel America with Terrorist-tarred Oil Or Our Own, Baby?: PalinThis job, too, is beneath Obama: Steyn
The 'Green Energy' Fairy Tale: PJM
Has the President Lost His Bearings?: PJMAcademia's latest propaganda factory, the 'Cry Wolf' project: WashExam
Whitewash versus Paint: Belmont Club
NYTs “Walter Duranty” Bureau Chief In Istanbul: Kesler
Daily Kos on Helen Thomas: Jews Back to Poland Just 'Human Nature': AmPower
President Officially Pushes for State Aid: FakeMSM
The Gaza Flotilla Ambush: What Did the White House Know?: AT (Lewis)China’s Military Threatens America: ‘We Will Hurt You’: PJM
Iranian Official: Egypt Has Authorized Iranian Delegation to Enter Gaza: MEMRI
A Brave, New Turkey: Hanson
'We are totally unprepared': Noonan
Government Is The Same Everywhere: Slow, Stupid, And Incompetent: RWN
PayPal: Outrageous Fortune: Belmont ClubScale of the Universe: CBullitt
Planned Parenthood begins campaign requiring health insurers to hand out contraception: APP
Empire State Building Refuses Lighting for Marine Corps Birthday, But Welcomed Muslim Holiday: PowersThe Tolerant Left Responds to the Helen Thomas Firing: Rabbi Live (NSFW)
An Army Travels on its Stomach: MoneyRunner
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: J.D. Hayworth for U.S. Senate in Arizona.
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