
Obama pal Kilpatrick indicted on 19 counts: BlogProf
Illegal Alien Amnesty by Executive Order: Malkin
Feds shut down Gulf sand berm dredging? WTF?: GWP
Serial-Killer-Lovin' Obama Nominee Gets Even Worse: Ace
Small government insurgents may save the GOP: WashExam
Employment in the USSA: RWNHeckuva Job, Petie: RCM
CA Sanctuary City Fires Employees to Avoid Collapse: AmPower
Prepare For More Lawsuits Under ObamaCare: Kesler
Get ready for the mother of all epic fails: Blumer
Democrat Budget Plan: Tax, Spend More: Tapscott
Climate & Energy
The Feds' Latest Attempt to Kill Louisiana: SIGISMassage therapist: Gore tried to jump me: Insider
Fish Wrap Says Decision To Remove McChrystal Shows His Decisiveness: RWNWhy is state-run media hiding this photo from you?: GWP
Will Obama listen to anybody?: Tapscott
We need to cut spending now: Ryan
Five Years After Kelo: CEI
A Roadmap to America's Future: Ryan
BDS: the Nation's Next Hate Virus: PJM
AJC Nutcase Columnist Says USA Is the Enemy: RWN
Attempted rape 'trivial'?: Cashill
Gen. Petraeus faces huge challenges in Afghanistan, experts say: WashExamIrvine Community and Jewish Groups React to Muslim Student Union Suspension: PJM
Soros tells Germany to get with the Obama plan (which he is directing): Telegraph
There Will Be War: Forbes
A Real Chance For Afghanistan?: Kesler
The Problem Isn't McChrystal's Bite But That McChrystal (On Administration, not Afghanistan) is Right: BRubin
Google defeats Viacom in landmark copyright case: CNetReducing Risk, Increasing AIDS: On the Square
Sex Ed keeps pushing the envelope: RWN
Isner-Mahut: 10 Hours, 163 Games, 881 Points, 193 Aces, 2 Days, And Counting...: InsiderNewly Discovered Vintage Film of VJ Day in Honolulu: Breitbart
Client Number Nine's New Show: Ace
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Sharron Angle for U.S. Senate --- Help Boot Harry Reid.
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