An Army of Black Conservatives Running for Congress: GWPNews beneath the news: Hanson
Why Was Shahzad Given A Play-By-Play?: Ace
Radical Pro-Abortion Diane Wood at Top of SCOTUS List: APP
Change: MI school bans white kids from field trip: BlogProf
Franklin Graham: Obama 'giving Islam a pass': Newsmax
Awesome: Freddie Mac Needs Another Bailout: RWNA Day in the Life of the Regulatory State: RWN
There's A Global Shortage Of U.S. Dollars: Insider
Climate & Energy
Bald Eagles Arrested For Eating Endangered Species: RWNAsh cloud grounds more flights: Maktoob
90 Percent of EUrotard Carbon Market is Fraud: CBullitt
Bury Newsweek ... The Sooner the Better...: AmPowerCBS 2 Chicago reporter tells Mark Kirk to lay off Broadway Bank: Marathon
Race and Resentment: Sowell
Profound Insights from Beltway Pundits: LegalIns
Can We All Agree That There’s Nothing More Nazi Than Saying ‘Show Me Your Papers’?: NiceDeb
Guns needed to stop Chicago murders: Times
Is Osama Bin Laden Enjoying a Safe Haven in Iran?: PJMIt has begun: Obama approves UNSC resolution demanding Israel give up its nukes: TAB
'¡Cuba Si! - Arizona No!' Says Mexican President Felipe Calderón: AT
Divinity Abuse: StyleWeekly
Global Citizenship and the Cosmopolitan: NAS
Ex-CIA lawyer: Gitmo IDs graver than Plame leak: Times
Obama Stands with Muslims as He Promised: AT
The 'anti-austerity' riots in Greece: Malkin
Is Michelle Obama a Birther?: AT
FCC to claim some broadband regulatory power: NetWorldVideo: The surprisingly awesome “Star Wars lego trilogy in two minutes” clip: HotAir
Report: UC Davis ending Gmail pilot program: CNet
Message to Major League Baseball: iOTWI needa Bambulance: Bob & Tom (language warning)
Knee-deep in the Hooplalista: MOTUS
Image: Denninger.
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: PA-12: Calling All Tea Party People! Volunteers Needed in Pennsylvania
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