
Websites' raw video documents Arizona's border battle: ABC-15
Illegals and the Election: AT (Dunn)
Obama to Skip Wreath Laying Ceremony at Arlington: Malkin
Dem politician run down by drunk illegal alien: RWN
Down in the polls, Dems at war with themselves: Barone
Schakowsky's ShoreBank: Evidence of Scumbaggery: PollakRobert Reich: Another Economic Illiterate: PJM
British Pensioners Terrified of Austerity Poverty Trap: Insider
Redistributor-in-Chief: It’s Only the Beginning: RWN
As food stamp fraud grows, Dems resist anti-fraud steps: PJM
Jo Ann Emerson Sponsoring $165B Union Bailout Bill!: BMW
Climate & Energy
Left on the Cutting Room Floor: NewsBustersJindal Furious: Rips Obama For Dismal Response to Spill: GWP
Snap! NYT Exposes Yet Another Secret Operation: RWNLibtalkers Worry Public Outrage Shifting Toward Obama: Equalizer
Hey, Tom, be thankful you were born before 1979*: Fausta
'Rambo' Blumenthal: a Shared Disgrace: RepAm
Safety Patrol Invades Naval Academy: Powers
Walt, Mearshimer... Beinart: Another Rant About Omnipotent Zionists: PJM
Living in Obama's Loony Parallel Universe: ATChairman Zero Going Nanners? What Do You Think?: Moonbattery
Obama's Porta Prompta - Symptom of Distress: Anchoress (1/27/10)
Mexico Tells Obama What To Do With Those National Guard Troops: LegalInsNow Can We Put North Korea Back on the Terrorism List?: Rosett
Storm Clouds in the Ukraine: OnTheSquare
The Ghost of Donald Rumsfeld: Belmont
'We Are Here to Dominate': GoV
For Shame: Iran Voted In as Member of UN Women's Rights Commission: PJM
Duty, Honor and Other Countries: AT
The wonders of socialism: Hugo Chavez is now confiscating food: RWN
Dell Mini 5 tablet: Dell's answer to the Apple iPad?: ZDNetDOJ exploring Apple's role in music pricing: CNet
Democrats' split over Net neutrality widens: CNet
The Culture Wars are Turning: PJMIrrelevent Crazy Ugly People Blind Innocent W. Houstonians: Hindenblog
The '4 and Out' T-Shirt: Pupista
Image: Insider.
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Fausta's Blog
QOTD: "Thousands of people are attacked by sea creatures every year. We at BP are dedicated to bringing that number down. You're welcome! -- @BPGlobalPR
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