California's jobless rate stalls at 12.6 percent

Cerritos City Council outraged by State's raid
'The State of California required the Cerritos Redevelopment Agency to make a payment of $11,812,007 to the Los Angeles County Auditor on May 10. The payment is a result of the State s decision to raid $2.05 billion in local redevelopment funds... The State of California continues to live beyond its means and California s cities are paying the consequences, said Cerritos Mayor Joseph Cho, Ph.D... To make the payment, the Cerritos Redevelopment Agency borrowed the funds from its Low- and Moderate-Income Housing Fund... [it must repay the fund] by June 30, 2015.'Democrats Offer Clever Solution to Close Budget Gap: More Taxes

Assembly Speaker John A. Pérez, in a written statement, said that Taylor's report confirms Democrats' contention that the governor's budget proposal is unrealistic and would harm the economy.'
CA taxpayers must pay 40% of 2010 taxes in June to help state cut deficit
'In 2009, state Controller John Chiang issued $2 billion of IOUs to lower-priority creditors to preserve cash for creditors with higher legal standing, such as bondholders. The IOUs were ultimately redeemed... One of the state’s recent budget actions — a frontloading of tax withholding requirements — will impact the state’s balance sheet in as-yet-untested ways, the report said... “California taxpayers are now scheduled to make 40% of their estimated annual payments in the month of June,” the LAO reported.'Democrats: No cuts to welfare, slash prison system instead
'Roughly two-thirds of Schwarzenegger’s proposed spending plan -- $12.4 billion – are reductions in state spending, $1.1 billion or eliminating the state’s welfare program – a move Democrats have already announced they reject... On the other side, Republicans will be reluctant to back $890 million of proposed savings in the state prison system, supported by Democrats. “There are things in the governor’s package that are a hard sell for both parties,” said Jean Ross, executive director of the California Budget Project."
California's anti-American policies -- massive unions that conspire with Democrats against taxpayers; support for illegal immigration through the establishment of 'sanctuary cities'; unchecked welfare and public assistance; a culture of eco-statism that destroys entrepreneurship; and catastrophic levels of taxation -- have all contributed to an economic disaster.
Aren't Democrat Utopias swell?
And just think: the same species of incompetent Statists are running the entire country -- only with a lot less practical experience. It's November or never.
Prison Tat Image: Last Gringo.
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