
Illegal Immigration Proponents Support Slavery: RWN
Judge Richard Posner vs. Academic Elena Kagan: BigGovt
Obama: Information is Bad: RWN
How Much Does A Federal Judgeship Cost? $432,000: LegalIns
L.A. to boycott AZ; time to turn off the lights?: GWP
Depression 2010?: SamuelsonObama’s First Stealth EFCA Styled Rules Implementation: RWN
How to Pay Down the Debt: Pethokoukis
A New and Powerful Lawsuit on ObamaCare: Volokh
Dems reject 5% down payments as too much: IBD
Free markets help the poor more: Williams
Climate & Energy
Cap & Trade is Back: PundetteKerry-Lieberman Bill an Economy Killer: PJM
Welcome to the Era of Expensive Energy: AT
Profile of Elena Kagan: DiscoverTheNetworksWhoa: Even MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Derides Obama for 'Pseudo' Kagan Interview: NewsBusters
Oh good grief: TV cooking queen Ray meets with obese Senator on fighting childhood obesity: BlogProf
Kagan Finally Caught on Tape Saying Something Important…Damn, Barack Obama is Awesome: Verum Serum
Kagan, Obama, and the Harvard Legacy of Literary Fraud: Cashill
'Manchurian' smear misfires: Cashill
Pattern of Death: BelmontObama fiddles, a rogue schemes: The U.S. strategy toward North Korea leaves us in danger: Bolton
Quebec Says ‘Non’ to the Niqab: PJM
Muslim Student Association Member: We Need Another Holocaust: GWP
Dancing with the Devil: David Cameron's Path to Power: AT
Despite Harsh Words From Obama & Chavez, Americans Broadly Support AZ Immigration Law: GWP
Create your own talking avatar: OddCastSMS case study - Times of Northwest Indiana newspaper: MobileMarketer
Cougars Beware: Guardian
You Can't Make This Up: Congress Ponders 'Potty Parity' Act : JWFDrunk Germans + Playground Toy + Motorcycle = Awesome FAIL: Ace
Farrell pitches for Round Rock: 1360 KKTX
Image: Maktoob.
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