Washington Post: Michelle Obama's dress -- and new state dinner hairstyle

Chicago Sun-Times: Obama splashy, elegant State Dinner honors Mexico

WaPo: White House State Dinner: Beyonce, the non-spouse dates, and other leftovers

ABC News: The Low-Down on the First Lady's State Dinner Gown

NPR: Obama's Second State Dinner Celebrates Mexico

CBS News: Michelle Obama's State Dinner Gown Made by Peter Soronen

CNN: Obama's second state dinner has Mexican flair

Chicagoist: Bayless, Beyoncé Highlight Obama's Second State Dinner

HuffPo: Michelle Obama & Margarita Zavala At State Dinner: Whose Dress Do You Like Best?

Just one question: During a time of severe economic dislocation, rampant unemployment, an oil spill in the gulf, an Iranian nuclear crisis and a Korean peninsula on the brink of war -- try to imagine a fawning media treating a Republican president's opulent, over-the-top party (hosted by Reagan or Bush, for example) like this.
I can't.
Images: Flickr and CBS News.
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