
Our busted deportation system strikes again: Malkin
Muslims Building Super-Mosque At Ground Zero: Ace
Let it Burn: AT
Team Obama Will Delay Terror Hearings: RWN
‘Left-Wing Epistemic Closure’: Driscoll
Urgent action is required to reduce the debt and deficit: BlankleyThe Health Insurers' Faustian Bargain: AT
Support AZ as it feels the heat from boycotts: Hot Air
Crony Capitalism in Chicago: AT
GM in line for another $10B of your money: BlogProf
20-year-old patriot exposes Posen park scandal: SouthTownStar
Climate & Energy
Cap and Scam: HarsanyiThe Heartland Climate Conference Smear Campaign Begins: AT
Canuckistan to Ban Ki-Moonbat: GTFO: CBullitt
Distorting the Truth About Crime and Race - The New York Times is at it again: City JournalIncompetence with a capital 'H': Shayne
Beltway Elites Hate It When the People Speak: RWN
Sarah Palin's Speech in Chicago: AnotherBlackCon
Donald Berwick: Obama's Medicare/Medicaid nominee on video: Durden
Thought experiment: the most lame administration ever: GM's Place
2005 Kid’s Bush/Hitler Art Gets Award, 2010 Kid’s Obama/Commie Art Gets Censored: RWN
Krugman Lying About Greece and U.S.: Stossel
Palin: 'Mama Grizzlies Will Take Back America': Breitbart
Obama's Known of Al-Qaeda Ties with Iran for a Year, but Still No Action: PJMReturn to the Abyss: Roubini
Che and the Workers: AT
The Immigration Issue Is Not About Racism: Chesler
President of UN General Assembly: Gaza Siege Is Worse Than Nazi Death Camps: GWP
Secure Western Civilization: Lt. Col. Allen West
The Ammo Shortage Continues: incident report for 04/09/2010: Apache Infrastructure Team
Postal-themed PDF Spam: Sophos
Elena Kagan to be Played by Rachel Dratch on SNL?: CubeiOwnTheWorld Weekly Roundup, May 15th, 2010: iOTW
HS B-Ball Boycotter’s Controversial Past: S&L
Image: People's Cube
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: PA-12: Scott Brown for Tim Burns
QOTD: "The Branch Davidians in Waco could have saved themselves a s***load of trouble if they had just claimed to be radical enviromentalists." -- Me. Just now. (backstory)
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