
Freedom of Speech: How Quaint: Denninger
The Left’s Freaked Out Reaction To SCOTUS: Ace
‘Filibuster Reform’ Heading To Senate: S&L
How the Left Spins Scott Brown's Victory: PJM
Race Profiteers: I'm Conservative and Proud: AT (Marcus)
Beware of McCain Regression Syndrome: Malkin
Obama's Suckers: AT (Lewis)
Five Memes Destroyed by Scott Brown’s Victory: PJM
Unions Sign On To Obama’s Penalizing of Banks: RWN
After MA, Liberal Bloodletting Will Continue: Hanson
My Massachusetts District Didn’t Learn A Thing: Parks
Feds out of money: Obamacare is their new bank: BigGovtObama's Jihad Against Banks: PJM
77% Of Investors: Obama Anti-Business: S&L
Cali Democrats: Single-Payer Will Solve Everything!: Malkin
Did Tim Geithner Just Get Fired?: Insider
Climate & Energy
Move Afoot in the Senate to Can EPA CO2 Regs: PJMJames Hansen's Venusian vision of Thermageddon: CBullitt
Boxer: Warming Legislation Might Not Happen for Six or Eight or Ten Years: BMW
Hansen endorses book which calls for 'ridding the world of Industrial Civilization': Depot
NASA: No Increase In CO2, Global Warming A Sham: RWN
Detroit homeless expected to power their building on exercise bikes: BlogProf
Museum of Science & Industry White House model chock full o’crazy: HillBuzzHillBuzz versus Whomever: Riehl
Kos Says ‘Teabaggers’ and Republicans 'Who Hate Brown People’ Will Put the Brakes on Immigration Bill: CNS
Evidently, He Wasn’t The One He Was Waiting For: Driscoll
Strap-On's crocodile tears over SCOTUS campaign finance decision: AT
Ohio Paper Catches Obama Sock Puppet's Letter Campaign: GWP
Jon Stewart Mops the Floor with Strap-On: Fausta
Paul Krugman: The Brain of a Liberal: Greenroom
Reflections on Sundance: Mirror
WaPo’s Kurtz Cops Out on Press Failure to Pursue Enquirer’s Edwards Affair Story: BizzyBlog
Obama administration says “Taliban must take legitimate role” in Afghanistan: GWPHow An Ill-Conceived Minimum Wage Hike Destroyed The Samoan Economy: Insider
Reward, Punishment, Gitmo and Al Qaeda: GM's Place
Hugo Chavez Blames Haiti Destruction on US Earthquake Machine: GWP
Britain raises terror level threat to 'severe': Times
Saudi court to review controversial marriage of 80-year-old to 12-year-old girl: Maktoob
Would You Have Spotted the Fraud?: KrebsThe First American Twitter Revolution: LegalIns
If you only watch one airborne laser test video this year, this is it...: Ace
GOC's Amazing Odyssey Part 1: DennyGOC's Amazing Odyssey Part 2: Denny
Guide to Asian Emoticons: YouTube
I’ll Take a Beer With My Whopper?: Verum Serum
Jake 1996 - 2010. Good boy, Jake. Rest in peace, boy.: Pupista
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