• Observer in Mass says Scott Brown by a wide margin, the polls are swamped and the voters electric. Calls it an avalanche
• RT @BrentTeichman: **BREAKING** ACORN admits there are not enough Disney characters to put Coakley over the top.
• For those who are watching Martha Coakley 16% Scott Brown 66%
• does Coakley need drivers to pick up more bodies from morgue or just another batch from the asylum
• Time for #Coakley to take her place under the #Obama bus
• Give Axelrod heartburn... Vote Scott Brown.
• Was there a "FULL MOON" last night? It looks like all the #Obama Zombies R out today & twitting against Scott Brown Tea Party Massachusetts
• Coakley's only qualifications for the senate is the D at the end of her name and the Machine
• U.S. News & World Report: Scott Brown Fueled by Independents’ Anger at Liberal Arrogance http://ow.ly/YlzZ
• Scott Brown America Stands With U Today!
• Ace commenter makes a great point: if Brown wins by Obama's margin, will it be a "landslide"?
• Suggested line for a desperate Coakley campaign: "If Brown wins, MLK will have died for nothing."
• ABC Empathizes with White House: Coakley Loss ‘Shakespearean,’ ‘Tragedy of Greek Proportions’
• Wow. Martha Coakley has bought every piece of AdSense in my Reader. Lame.
• Gravediggers worked overtime last night to get out the vote for Coakley.
• Breaking News from MA...Coakley suffering from a horrible rash from ASTROTURF
• Scott Brown is a trending topic on twitter. Martha Coakley is not. Is that indicative of the outcome?
• Why is this woman handing out blank absentee ballots? http://bit.ly/91Ouot
• Best line of the day I heard: "Scott Brown win is Mary Jo's revenge" ?Go Scott Go Baby!?? <--Don't forget Martha Moxley
• How can any democrat tweet me in my face saying "Scott Brown is a joke." When they elected Al Franken.
• Since it pisses off teabagging turds: Remember, Mass voters: vote for Scott Brown like spitting on Ted Kennedy's grave
Actually, that last one might motivate a few conservatives to vote for Brown.
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