
Here we go: Dems to ping-pong ObamaCare bill: Hot Air
Ballot integrity worker blocked by Coakley thugs: Founding
Liberalism is Dead: AT (Lewis)
"Our nation's health care crisis... is a crisis of culture": Wizbang
Panther politics: Obama interference derails Justice?: Times
Double Down: Obama Plans 'Combative' Response: Belmont
Federal health care foes plot for state opt-outs: Times
'It Was the Hindenburg Crashing Into the Titanic' : JWF
Old GOP Doesn’t ‘Get’ Tea Parties: RWN
Oh Noes! Epic Kerry Rally Will Help Coakley: iOTW
Can Doctors Afford To Stay In Medicare?: RWNFixing the Financial System: The Fix is In :AT
Hope and Change?: BlogProf
Liberal Professors: A Type-Casted Profession?: RWN
Bay State's Blue State Blue-Collar Blues: CFB
Climate & Energy
IPCC Will Retract Report of Himalayan Glaciers Melting By 2035 If They Haven’t Melted By Then: PowersMedia
If It’s Close In Massachusetts, Expect ACORN To Lead Vote Fraud Effort: NewsRealYour Tears Are Delicious, Mmm, Mmm. :Ace
CNN Calls Scott Brown ‘Insurgent’. Seriously.: iOTW
In Other Words, He’s Perfectly Qualified To Work At MSNBC: Driscoll
Cavuto Slams Obama For Attacking Scott Brown & GM Truck Owners: GWP
They Are All Marcia(sic) Coakley, Now: Riehl
A Tale of Two Walters: InstaPundit
Question of the Week: President's first year in office: Sheboygan Press
"James Cameron Hearts Ecoterrorists": Proof
Frustration, Anger, and the Party Line: GoV
The Superman Complex: With Haiti Aid, Even a Superpower Can’t Move Mountains: PJMFarewell to the London Mega-Mosque: GoV
Slow news day: ABC reports military Trijicon sights inscribed with secret 'Jesus' Bible codes : Jawa
FCC wades through Net neutrality comments: CNet50 Things Successful People Have in Common: DewView
Calls to ditch Internet Explorer after China hacks: SMH
All we need is a name: Brigadier General McSoulpatchy: Cdr. SalamanderKeith Olbermann Special Commentary About Yesterday’s Lunch: Powers
Bookie pays off early, predicts Brown win: Times
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