
The Left's Pied Piper: AT
Does Brown Victory Pose a Danger for GOP?: Moran
The Democrats’ Massachusetts meltdown: Malkin
Liberty 1, Tyranny 0 After Brown’s Big Win: PJM (Blumer)
Seeing Red: Graphic of the Night: Malkin
A Referendum on the Establishment: RWN
Mowbray: the Stunning Turnout in Massachusetts: Power Line
A Salute to Scott Brown: Power Line
Texas' In-State Tuition Law for Illegals: Unconstitutional: MNRThe Coming Democrat Counteroffensive: AT
Jimmy Carter Part II: Dems
Webb: suspend votes until Brown is seated: BlogProf
It's the Enemy, Stupid: NRO
Missouri Lawmakers Say No To Fed Health Care: GWP
Time to Cut the Size of Government: TimesPutting 'limited' back in government: Democrats squander your money, liberty: Times
The next battle: stop Socialism: Morris
Next to Be Nationalized: Your 401K: RWN
$42 Million Union Embezzlement case, Little Media Coverage: RWN
Climate & Energy
As Global Warming Movement Collapses, Activists Already 'Test-Marketing' the Next Eco-Fear: DepotAP: 2000s warmest decade on record because it snowed a lot or something: BlogProf
IPCC: New climate change deal unlikely this year: Maktoob
David Brooks: If Brown wins and Dems pass ObamaCare anyway... Bayh warns of 'catastrophe': Hot AirCase Study in New York Times Bias, Coakley/Brown Edition: Reason
Schadenfreude – Media Matters In Desperate Denial Over Brown Win: Founding
I Told You Ninnies He Was Going to Win: Ace
Paul Krugman - You know who Obama doesn't blame enough? George Bush that's who: DPU
Journalism: the Most Trusted Scam in America: PJTV
The World Turned Upside Down: DPU
MSNBC hack anchors gasp as Chris Matthews says "it looks like Brown": BlogProf
Newsman's Remorse: "He's Done Everything Wrong": MoneyRunner
Mike Will Pay for This: C&S
Rush Limbaugh: “This One’s For You, Mary Jo”: GWP
China removed as top priority for spies - Intelligence chiefs object: Times‘Tiny Chair’ Diplomacy Harms Israel-Turkey Relations: PJM
Israel Does What US Hasn't In Haiti: Maggie's Farm
Professions To Become Less Elitist In England: Briggs
How Scott Brown Used Google to Get Results in Mass. Election: WSJCommercial open source had very good 2009: CNet
The new Hitler YouTube is here! The new Hitler YouTube is here!: SondraKTrulon Henry wants to make most of 2nd chance: Trib
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