
James O'Keefe arrested in New Orleans: BigGovt
Filmmaker Who Outed ACORN Arrested: Riehl
Dems Learn from Massachusetts -- Pass Bad Stuff Faster: RWN
Just in time for tonight: Barack Bingo: Jawa
ACORN ecstatic; O'Keefe Responds to Charges: GWP
Obama Cabinet Reveals Agenda: Dismantle America: JWF
A Culture of Losers: Solway
'Cracker' seeks Panther dismissal probe: Times
New Dem Strategy: Turn Tea Partiers Against GOP: RWN
Landrieu's Statement on O'Keefe, et. al.: SIGIS
The Census boondoggle: $340 million ad campaign: MalkinCulture of Corruption: Holder Writing His Own Book: Malkin
The White House Nightmare Persists: Financial Times
Milton Friedman, Supply-Siders Vindicated: Jawa
Is Federal Debt Infinite?: GM's Place
Stimulus price soars as jobless rate rises: Times
Obama Student Loan Proposals Make My Children 'Schlubs': Maggie's Farm
Pelosi's Shameless Lies: GWP
Climate & Energy
Climategate: Who Benefits When the IPCC Lies?: PJMCanadian scientist says UN's global warming panel 'crossing the line': WindStar
Science as a Glorious, Skeptical Enterprise: PJM (Lewis)
Pic of the day: Global warming hoax - so easy a UN Ambassador can do it!: BlogProf
Omitting for Obama: How the Old Media Deliberately Censored New Media Scoops in 2009: MRCA Clockwork Obama: Three-Step: Hanson
TOTUS deserves a raise: CFB
Poll: Which Candidate Do the Right-of-Center Bloggers Want in 2012?: RWN
Olby Orgasmic Over O'Keefe: NewsBusters
Bachmann responds to Specter: BlogProf
Libs Souring on the Won: Surber
Obama Stumbles in The New Yorker? Yes, The New Yorker: AmDigest
Somebody Tell Tanenhaus: NRO
Bangladesh: Rape victim receives 101 lashes for becoming pregnant: Jihad WatchIndonesia may take down statue of Barack - only a month after the unveiling: Maggie
Chavez furiously backtracks as Venezuela degenerates: Insider
Former WMD Chief: Al-Qaida Awaiting Nukes: NewsMax
The Islam Tax: Political Islam
Al Qaeda's leadership still covets the sight of 'a mushroom cloud rising over a US city': NYDN
Survival, DIYism and Haiti: Jacksonian
Where Do We Find the Time? Social Networking Use Up 82%: RWWScience in the Age of Political Correctness: Dr. Sanity
Compare and Contrast: Dinocrat
The Reason He's Never Photographed From Behind: HillBuzzHayek vs. Keynes: Straight Outta Compton: Zero Hedge
Cartoon by Nate Beeler
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