
FDR knew better: Volokh
Nanshy Peloshi: SondraK
Obama the Ideologue: Patterico
Obama, Post-Partisan Blah-Blah-Blah: Ace
Obama challenges GOP on bipartisan tone: Times
Did you know: health care debate really was on C-Span?: GWP
HHS Actively Hid Paid Shill Gruber's Obama Ties: Ace
Chicago-Bound Amtrak Train Stalled by Terror Threat: Atlas
Statement from James O'Keefe: BigGovt
The 11th Whopper: Hot Air
Final Thoughts on SOTU: Anchoress
Liberals Hate Texas' Success: RWNPublic-sector pay, private-sector backlash: Jacoby
Class War: How Public Servants Became our Masters: WashReb
Teachers Union Ruins NY Shot at $700M in Stimulus: RWN
The case against public sector unions: WashReb
CA will run out of cash April 1 (fools day!) due to perpetual spending orgy: BlogProf
Challenge to Obama - Request Special Counsel As To Foreign Contributions: LegalIns
State of the Union Speech --- Explained!: Langbert
CBO: Stimulus Plan On Target To Increase Deficits: LegalIns
Climate & Energy
Obama: “Nobody’s been a bigger promoter of clean coal technology than I am.”: SurberThe end is nigh: UK Times accuses Pachauri of 'a direct lie': EU Referendum
Reality Check: Cold kills coral in Florida Keys; 1st time since '70s: Keys News
The Decade the MSM Won: PJMObama in Time Magazine: Yeah, I Kinda Lied About Health Care: RWN
Enact Obama's Wall Street Agenda ... or the Terrorists Have Won!: Jawa
Retracto the Correction Alpaca Goes to Work on O’Keefe Stories: Patterico
Legacy Media Negligence in 2008 Enabled Obama Foreign Campaign Contributions: BizzyBlog
New Englanders: Much Dumber Than They Were 8 Months Ago, According to NYT's Charles Blow: NewsBusters
Feminists OK With Women in Panties Selling Beer. Pro-Life Ads? Not So Much: RSM
Even Jon Stewart Ripping on Chris "I Forgot He Was Black for an Hour" Matthews: Ace
Michael Moore Gets MI Taxpayer Subsidy For Latest Film And Sits On Board That Gave Tax Credit!: BlogProf
Infernal Iran; The Death Spiral Accelerates: LedeenAre There Any Domestic Terrorists NOT Tied to Islamic Networking website?: Jawa
Egypt's niqab ban overturned: Maktoob
Concealing the Truth: Auschwitz and the Mufti: Atlas
Yahoo Wipes Israeli Cities Off The Map: MereRhet
These are Some Nice Bonds We Have Here....: CFB
Appeals court lets Google Street View suit continue: CNetCornucopia
Greg Toal, Don Bosco Prep head football coach, never shies away: Star-LedgerDaily scoreboard: Surber
"Looking out at the motley crew seated before him for the big speech, the president seemed at times to be pretending that he had never seen these people before in his life." -- Gail Collins
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